为了方便大家阅读,我对文章中错误号来解释一下吧!Error Id: WOR-70021
Title: The specified Reports Server object was not found.
Register the Reports Server, or specify the correct Reports Server name.
The Reports Server that was specified is not registered with OracleAS Portal.
Error Id: WOR-70024
Title: The specified Reports Calendar was not found.
Register the Reports Calendar, or specify the correct Reports Calendar name.
The specified Reports Calendar does not exist or is not registered with OracleAS Portal.
Error Id: WOR-70071
Title: cannot complete rwcalsum.show_control
Contact Oracle Support Services.
There was an internal error while rendering the calendar.
Error Id: WOR-70082
Title: not a valid number
Enter only numeric characters.
A value was entered that contains nonnumeric characters.
Error Id: WOR-70135
Title: failure to save parameters
This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
The operation to save parameters failed.
Error Id: WOR-70136
Title: failure to initialize Builder attributes - %0
Refer to the relevant Reports Builder error message, and take the appropriate action.
Initialization of the specified Reports Builder attributes failed.
Error Id: WOR-70137
Title: failure to initialize servers - %0
Verify that the Reports Server is properly registered.
Initialization of the specified Reports Server failed.
Error Id: WOR-70166
Title: unable to delete object <B>%0 (version %1)</B> from Oracle Portal
This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
The application was unable to delete the specified object.
Error Id: WOR-70174
Title: invalid error ID
This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
An invalid error ID was specified.
Error Id: WOR-70175
Title: cannot access the server
Contact the portal administrator to get access to the server.
The server was not accessible because the security check failed.
Error Id: WOR-70176
Title: cannot access the printer
Contact the portal administrator to get access to the printer.
The printer was not accessible because the security check failed.
Error Id: WOR-70177
Title: cannot access the module
Contact the portal administrator to get access to the module.
The module was not accessible because the security check failed.
Error Id: WOR-70178
Title: cannot access the output type:
Contact the portal administrator to get access to the output type.
The output type (destype) was not accessible because the security check failed.
Error Id: WOR-70179
Title: cannot access the output format
Contact the portal administrator to get access to the output format.
The output format (desformat) was not accessible because the security check failed.
Error Id: WOR-70180
Title: cannot run the report
View the availability calendar to see when the report can be run.
The calendar check failed. The report cannot be run at this time.
Error Id: WOR-70181
Title: cannot use the server at this moment
Check the availability calendar to see when the server can be used to run the report.
The calendar check failed. The report cannot be run on this server at this time.
Error Id: WOR-70182
Title: cannot use the printer at this moment
Check the availability calendar to see when the report can be printed on this printer.
The calendar check failed. Printing on this printer is not possible at this time.
Error Id: WOR-70183
Title: generic access check failure
Ask the portal administrator for the required privileges.
The required privileges to perform this task were missing.
Error Id: WOR-70184
Title: LOV access check failure for parameter
Ask the portal administrator for the required privileges.
The LOV access check failed. The user currently does not have the privileges required to access this LOV.
Error Id: WOR-70185
Title: failure of low-range access check for parameter
Specify a value within the valid range.
The value specified was less than the valid lower limit for this parameter.
Error Id: WOR-70186
Title: failure of high-range access check for parameter
Specify a value within the valid range.
The value specified was higher than the valid high limit for this parameter.
Error Id: WOR-70187
Title: failure of validation escape access check
Contact the portal administrator.
The validation trigger failed.
Error Id: WOR-70188
Title: No report is specified.
Specify a valid report name.
A report name was not specified.
Error Id: WOR-70189
Title: No server is specified.
Specify a valid server name.
A server name was not specified.
Error Id: WOR-70190
Title: Conflicting module and report names are specified.
Ensure that the report name and the module name are the same.
The report name and the module name were conflicting.
Error Id: WOR-70210
Title: exception when sending a request to the Reports Server
Contact Oracle Support Services.
An exception occurred when sending a request to the Reports Server. The report was not sent.
Error Id: WOR-70212
Title: The Oracle Reports Web gateway URL setting is not specified. Cannot run report.
Edit the server component, and specify the Oracle Reports Web gateway.
The Oracle Reports Web gateway URL was not specified.
Error Id: WOR-70229
Title: The browser cannot display this Reports portlet.
Upgrade the browser version. Refer to the product documentation for supported browser versions.
The browser version was not supported. The Reports portlet cannot be displayed in this version of the browser.
Error Id: WWC-00000
Title: normal, successful completion
None, if this message is displayed by itself. If other messages accompany this message, review the information in those error messages and take corrective action.
The operation was successful if this message is displayed by itself. Unexpected errors may have occurred if other messages accompany this message.
Error Id: WWC-00001
Title: message not found: %0.%1
This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
The message identified by the stated type/name combination was not found in the system message table.
Error Id: WWC-00002
Title: message ID not found: %0
Contact Oracle Support Services.
The message identified by the given ID was not found in the system message table.
Error Id: WWC-00006
Title: internal error
Report this error to Oracle Support Services. Include the error, the attempted operations that led to the error, any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving this error message, and the complete stack trace produced by this error.
A process encountered a low-level, unexpected condition. This is the generic internal error number for program exceptions.
Error Id: WWC-35002
Title: an attempt to access the session context without a valid session
Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is removed. Reopen the browser and log in to the Single Sign-On Server again.
User sessions are cleaned up by a background job after a specified time interval. An attempt was made to access a session that did not exist.
Error Id: WWC-35006
Title: unable to obtain session information from the cookie
Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is removed. Reopen the browser and log in to the Single Sign-On Server again.
An error was encountered while decrypting the Oracle Portal session cookie.
Error Id: WWC-35009
Title: an unexpected error; error message: %1
Review the information in the error message and take appropriate corrective action.
An unexpected exception occurred. The error message may provide further details.
Error Id: WWC-35026
Title: The proxy was not found.
Check the parameters and provide the correct values.
The parameters specified to locate the proxy were not correct.
Error Id: WWC-35038
Title: A proxy with the specified name already exists.
Either use the existing proxy or specify a different proxy name.
A proxy with the specified already existed.
Error Id: WWC-35039
Title: The session context cannot be restored because the session is marked as inactive.
Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is removed. Reopen the browser and log in to the Oracle Single Sign-On Server again.
The session cookie contained a session reference marked as inactive.
Error Id: WWC-35040
Title: The session context cannot be restored because the cookie value does not match the value stored in the session repository.
Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is removed. Reopen the browser and log in to the Oracle Single Sign-On Server again.
The session cookie was not consistent with the user session in the repository.
Error Id: WWC-35041
Title: This API can be used only in non-Web sessions.
Check whether the API being called is meant for SQL sessions only. Do not call such APIs from a browser session.
An attempt was made to call an API from a browser session, but the API was designated to be called from a SQL session.
Error Id: WWC-35042
Title: The Globalization Support language code specified is not valid.
Specify a correct language abbreviation.
The language abbreviation specified was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-35043
Title: The value for the Globalization Support territory specified is not valid.
Specify a correct territory.
The territory specified was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-38164
Title: error while displaying the Navigator
Click the Navigator link at the top of the screen. If that does not solve the problem, restart the browser and try again.
An internal error occurred while generating the list of objects to display in the Navigator. This may be because the requested object has been deleted, or some other internal error.
Error Id: WWC-40018
Title: General invalidation message processing exception: %1
Ensure that Oracle Web Cache is running and the invalidation port is accepting connections.
One of the following occurred: <ol> <li>An error occurred when an invalidation message was sent. This can occur when Oracle Web Cache goes down, or is stopped while Oracle Portal writes an invalidation message to the Oracle Web Cache invalidation port. </li> <li>Some other unexpected exception occurred while processing an invalidation message.</li> </ol>
Error Id: WWC-41031
Title: unable to connect to the LDAP server
Use the APIs "wwsec_oid.get_oid_host" and "wwsec_oid.get_oid_port" to verify that the preference store values for Oracle Internet Directory parameters exist and are valid. If necessary, run the command-line script ptlasst in MIDTIER mode to configure the Oracle Internet Directory connection parameters: ptlasst.csh -mode MIDTIER -type OID
The connection parameters required for connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory server were not available.
Error Id: WWC-41078
Title: The user you are trying to create already exists.
Enter a different user name.
The user name specified already existed in Oracle Internet Directory.
Error Id: WWC-41082
Title: E-mail is a mandatory field. You must specify its value.
Enter an e-mail address for the user.
The e-mail field was not populated.
Error Id: WWC-41083
Title: The user lacks permission to perform this operation.
Contact the portal administrator and request that the necessary privileges be granted to perform this task.
An attempt was made to perform an action for which the user did not have sufficient privileges.
Error Id: WWC-41084
Title: A user name is required to proceed to the next step.
Enter a valid user name in the Username field.
No user name was provided.
Error Id: WWC-41094
Title: unable to save default group - %1
Verify that the specified default group exists and the user has the necessary privileges to access this group.
An error occurred while setting the default group for a given user.
Error Id: WWC-41223
Title: Enter a group name.
Enter a group name.
The group name field was empty.
Error Id: WWC-41227
Title: unauthorized to perform the operation
Contact the portal administrator. Either request to be added to the group‘s OWNER list, or that the necessary privileges be granted to perform the task.
An attempt was made to perform a task on a group, but the user did not have ownership, or the appropriate privileges to perform that task.
Error Id: WWC-41228
Title: group not found
Verify the name of the group.
An attempt was made to access a group, but the specified group was not found.
Error Id: WWC-41229
Title: The user does not have permission to perform this operation.
Contact the portal administrator. Request the necessary privileges be granted to perform the task.
An attempt was made to perform a task, but the user had insufficient privileges to perform the action.
Error Id: WWC-41239
Title: You are not an owner of this group.
Contact the portal administrator. Either request to be added to the group‘s OWNER list, or that the necessary privileges be granted to perform the task.
An attempt was made to perform a task on a group, but the user did not have ownership, or the privilege to perform that task.
Error Id: WWC-41358
Title: This group cannot be deleted or there is no such group found.
Check the details of the group to be deleted.
One of the following occurred: <ol> <li>An attempt was made to delete a special group, such as the DBA or PORTAL_ADMIN group.</li> <li>The specified group profile did not exist in Oracle Internet Directory.</li> </ol>
Error Id: WWC-41433
Title: Specify an appropriate database user name. It should be an existing proxy client to %1. The proxy client must not be the Oracle Portal schema itself.
Use the Schema portlet to create a new schema that can be assigned to users. Select the "Use this Schema for Portal Users" check box. To edit an existing schema for this purpose, select Edit Schema in the Schema portlet.
When editing a user, an attempt was made to assign a database schema to the user‘s account but the specified database schema has not been granted connect privileges to the Portal schema.
Error Id: WWC-41438
Title: Login is not possible because the login URL being retrieved for this application is not a fully qualified URL. Notify the portal administrator.
Contact the portal administrator and request that Oracle Portal be reregistered with the Oracle Single Sign-On Server.
Oracle Portal was unable to construct the URL required to redirect to the Oracle Single Sign-On Server. Partner application information may not be configured correctly.
Error Id: WWC-41439
Title: Login is not possible because there is either invalid or no configuration information stored in the enabler configuration table (WWSEC_ENABLER_CONFIG_INFO$).
Do one of the following: <ol> <li>Remove all such aliases from the Apache configuration.</li> <li>Include the domain in the ServerName paramenter.</li> <li>Fix the Host in the IASInstance element and ListenPort in the WebCacheComponent element in iasconfig.xml and run ptlconfig -dad portal -site. The ptlconfig script and the iasconfig.xml file are usually located in the directory portal/conf under the Oracle Portal and Oracle Wireless middle-tier home.</li> </ol> NOT USED
One of the following occurred: <ol> <li>An alias defined in the Apache configuration caused Apache to translate host.example.com to just host. If this is the case, the Login link will show only host:port (dropping the domain).</li> <li>The default domain was not set in the Apache configuration. When this occurs, only the host name is shown in the Login link and the domain is not included.</li> <li>Oracle Portal was configured with an incorrect host or port.</li> </ol>
Error Id: WWC-41440
Title: You cannot log in because there is an error trying to parse the login URL for this application.
Check the URL and reduce its length if it appears to be too long. There is no theoretical limit for the length of the URLs.
A login request was made using a very long URL.
Error Id: WWC-41441
Title: unable to process the login request
Ensure that all components in the system are configured properly, are up and running, and are functioning correctly.
The login URL was not constructed successfully. The reason is unknown. This problem could occur if Oracle Portal was unable to communicate with another component.
Error Id: WWC-41443
Title: %1, you have logged in to the Oracle Single Sign-On Server, but you are not authorized to log in to Oracle Portal. See your portal administrator to enable logins for your account.
Contact the portal administrator. Request that the ‘Allow User to Log On‘ option is selected for this user.
The option ‘Allow User to Log On‘ was not selected for this user. The user may log in to Oracle Single Sign-On, but not Oracle Portal.
Error Id: WWC-41446
Title: The system failed to initialize the necessary HTTP request to the Oracle Single Sign-On Server.
Check whether the Oracle Single Sign-On Server is up and running.
The Oracle Single Sign-On Server was not running.
Error Id: WWC-41447
Title: The system failed to retrieve the necessary HTTP request to the SSO Server.
Do one of the following: <ol> <li>Check whether the Oracle Single Sign-On Server is up and running. </li> <li>Verify the Querypath Url Prefix in the Oracle Single Sign-On Server settings.</li> </ol>
This error occurs in the following cases: <ol> <li>The Oracle Single Sign-On Server was not operational. <li>There was an incorrect Querypath Url Prefix in the Oracle Single Sign-On Server settings.</li> </ol>
Error Id: WWC-41454
Title: The decryption of the authentication information was unsuccessful. This may be caused by data inconsistency, an incorrect encryption key in this application‘s configuration, or an invalid access attempt. Notify your administrator.
Contact the portal administrator to ensure that the Oracle Portal configuration is correct. Request that Oracle Portal be reregistered with the Oracle Single Sign-On Server if required.
The URCL token received from the Oracle Single Sign-On Server was not decrypted.
Error Id: WWC-41470
Title: Error while connecting to the Oracle Internet Directory.
Contact the portal administrator to ensure that the Oracle Internet Directory Server is operational.
The Oracle Internet Directory Server might not have been operational.
Error Id: WWC-41471
Title: Multiple groups with the given name were found in the directory. The group cannot be resolved uniquely.
Use the popup list next to the name field to find the group name.
Multiple groups with the given name were found in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-41472
Title: This API is deprecated.
Check the latest API documentation for alternatives to this API.
An attempt was made to use a deprecated API.
Error Id: WWC-41496
Title: unable to refresh the cache for OID parameters
Check whether the Oracle Internet Directory port is operational and that the Oracle Portal configuration is referring to the correct host name and port. Use the command-line script ‘ldapbind‘ to check if the LDAP port is up and running.
The Oracle Internet Directory Server might not have been operational.
Error Id: WWC-41610
Title: The list of External Applications is too large.
Try reducing the character length of External Application names by renaming them.
The list of External Applications returned from the Oracle Single Sign-On Server was too large.
Error Id: WWC-41611
Title: The Enabler Configuration is missing.
Run the command-line script ptlasst in MIDTIER mode to configure the Oracle Single Sign-On Server: ptlasst -mode MIDTIER -type SSO NOT USED
The Partner Application domain was not correctly set in the Oracle Single Sign-On Server configuration.
Error Id: WWC-41657
Title: Your account is locked. Ask your administrator to reset the password.
Contact your administrator to reset your password.
The number of attempts to log in with an incorrect password exceeded the maximum number allowed.
Error Id: WWC-41742
Title: There is a conflict with your assigned user name. There is a user entry with this name, but with a different globally unique identifier, which must be resolved before you can log on with this name. Notify your administrator.
Contact the portal administrator to restart Oracle Single Sign-On after diabling its cache. If the problem persists, then request the portal administrator to delete the existing local user profile using the wwsec_api.delete_portal_user API. Then, log in using that user‘s credentials.
One or both of the following occurred: <ol> <li>Oracle Single Sign-On was using a stale user entry from its cache when transmitting user data to the Oracle Portal repository.</li> <li>The user profile for the specified user name already existed in the Oracle Portal schema, but it contained an incorrect globally unique identifier.</li> </ol>
Error Id: WWC-41743
Title: An exception is raised when accessing the Oracle Internet Directory: %1.
Refer to the additional information (if any) displayed with this error message and take the appropriate action. Contact your portal administrator if additional information is not available.
An attempt was made to access the Oracle Internet Directory.
Error Id: WWC-41744
Title: You do not have permission to perform this operation in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Contact the portal administrator and request the necessary privileges be granted to perform this task.
An attempt was made to perform an action in the Oracle Internet Directory without sufficient access privileges.
Error Id: WWC-41745
Title: An entry is not found in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Check the value of the Oracle Internet Directory entry being accessed.
An attempt was made to access an Oracle Internet Directory entry that did not exist.
Error Id: WWC-41746
Title: A value is not found in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Verify that the name of the attribute being searched is correct.
An attempt was made to search for an attribute value that did not exist in the specified directory entry.
Error Id: WWC-41747
Title: Multiple matches are found for the specified criteria in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Verify that the specified search criteria are correct.
Multiple matches were found for the specified criteria in the Oracle Internet Directory.
Error Id: WWC-41748
Title: The specified entry or value already exists in the Oracle Internet Directory (error status: %1).
Check the name of the user or group that is being added. Check it either as an owner, or as a member of a group.
An attempt was made to do one of the following: <ol> <li>Add a user or group entry in Oracle Internet Directory that already existed.</li> <li>Add an owner/member to a group that has already been added.</li> </ol>
Error Id: WWC-41780
Title: The system failed to process the HTTPS request to the SSO Server to retrieve the list of external applications.
Specify a valid wallet path and wallet password to access the external application information from the Oracle Single Sign-On Server using HTTPS.
The wallet parameters were not available.
Error Id: WWC-41781
Title: The system failed to process the HTTPS request to the SSO Server with specified wallet details.
Verify that the Query Path URL Prefix, wallet path, and wallet password are correct and that the Oracle Single Sign-On Server is up and running.
The Oracle Single Sign-On Server could not be reached using the given Query Path URL Prefix and the specified wallet parameters.
Error Id: WWC-41875
Title: No external applications are registered in the Oracle AS Single Sign-On Server.
Add an external application. Portal administrators with single sign-on administrator privileges can add external applications.
No external application existed.
Error Id: WWC-41876
Title: No external applications are selected for display. To select applications to display, click "Personalize".
Do one of the following: <ol> <li>Display one or more applications in the portlet.</li> <li>Add an external application. Portal administrators with single sign-on administrator privileges can add external applications.</li> </ol>
One of the following occurred: <ol> <li>The portlet was customized to hide all external applications.</li> <li>No external applications existed.</li> </ol>
Error Id: WWC-42001
Title: A null name is supplied. Supply a valid attribute name.
Specify an appropriate value for the attribute.
A null value was provided for a required attribute.
Error Id: WWC-43002
Title: You do not have permission to perform this operation.
Contact the portal administrator and request that the necessary privileges be granted to perform this task.
An attempt was made to perform an action for which the user had insufficient privileges.
Error Id: WWC-43007
Title: There are no entities in cache to invalidate.
No action required.
A message was sent to Oracle Web Cache to invalidate an object, but the object was not found.
Error Id: WWC-43100
Title: A provider with this name is already registered.
Specify a different provider name.
An attempt was made to register a provider, but the name specified has already been used.
Error Id: WWC-43101
Title: This provider is not found.
Ensure that you entered the name correctly, or use the Navigator to find the provider you require.
A provider with the name specified could not be found.
Error Id: WWC-43102
Title: The name field is empty.
Specify a provider name.
A name for the provider was not specified.
Error Id: WWC-43103
Title: The name field exceeds the maximum length.
Enter a provider name that is less than 200 characters in length.
The provider name specified was too long.
Error Id: WWC-43105
Title: The owning schema field is empty.
Enter an owning schema.
An owning schema was not specified. This field is mandatory for database providers.
Error Id: WWC-43106
Title: Schema %1 was not found.
Enter a valid schema name.
The schema entered was not found.
Error Id: WWC-43107
Title: The package name field is empty.
Enter a package name.
The package name was not specified. This field is mandatory for database providers.
Error Id: WWC-43109
Title: The package name exceeds the maximum length.
Enter a package name that is less than 2000 characters in length.
The specified package name was too long.
Error Id: WWC-43112
Title: The timeout must be left blank or be a positive value.
Either leave the timeout blank or enter a positive value.
The specified timeout value was a negative value.
Error Id: WWC-43113
Title: The value for login frequency is not valid.
Set the login frequency to one of: Once, Always, Never or Public.
An invalid value for the login frequency was specified.
Error Id: WWC-43116
Title: The specified node is not found.
Contact the portal administrator and report this error. This error indicates data inconsistencies in the portal instance.
It was not possible to find the local portal node record.
Error Id: WWC-43132
Title: The implementation package is not in a valid state.
Recompile the PL/SQL package. If the compilation fails, resolve the errors reported.
A PL/SQL package implementing a provider was in an ‘INVALID‘ state. For example, the PL/SQL package may contain a syntax error, or reference a missing or invalid object.
Error Id: WWC-43133
Title: The implementation package is not found.
Ensure that the schema and package name specified for the provider is correct and that the PL/SQL package has been created in the specified schema.
A PL/SQL package or package body implementing a provider was not found.
Error Id: WWC-43134
Title: An error occurred when attempting to call the providers register function.
Ensure that the provider is operational, and that the registration details are correct.
An attempt was made to register a provider.
Error Id: WWC-43135
Title: The Web URL for Web implementations is not valid.
Specify the correct Web provider URL.
The URL specified for the Web provider was not valid, or was null.
Error Id: WWC-43137
Title: An HTTP proxy is indicated but the proxy is invalid.
Verify the proxy settings in the Global Settings page.
It was specified that this provider required a proxy, but the proxy definition provided was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-43139
Title: The Web application type is invalid.
Ensure that the HTTP application type is one of EXTERNAL_SECURED, PORTAL or null. Constants are defined for these values in the WWPRO_API_PROVIDER_REGISTRY public API package.
The Web provider had an invalid value for the HTTP application type.
Error Id: WWC-43140
Title: The Web external application ID is invalid.
Use the list of values provided to select a valid value, or leave this field blank.
The external application ID specified was not valid.
Error Id: WWC-43141
Title: The following error occurs when converting "%1" into an integer: %2
Review the reported error and take the appropriate action.
An attempt was made to convert a string into a number.
Error Id: WWC-43144
Title: The following error occurs when converting "%1" into a date: %2
Review the reported error and take the appropriate action.
An attempt was made to convert a string into a date.
Error Id: WWC-43145
Title: The value "%1" is not a valid content type.
Ensure that the portlet‘s content type is one of text/html or text/xml.
The specified portlet content type was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-43146
Title: The specified shared key is not valid.
Enter a key that is between 10 and 30 characters in length.
The specified shared key was not valid.
Error Id: WWC-43147
Title: The following error occurs during the call to Web provider: %1
Review the reported error and take the appropriate action.
A call to the Web provider failed with the specified error.
Error Id: WWC-43167
Title: The specified name is invalid. Names are alphanumeric and cannot contain spaces or special characters.
Enter a name that contains only letters, numbers, and underscores.
An invalid name was specified.
Error Id: WWC-43169
Title: This provider cannot be deleted.
If the provider is offline, make it online before attempting to delete it.
An attempt was made to delete a provider that was offline or could not be deleted.
Error Id: WWC-43176
Title: The provider URL specified may be wrong or the provider is not running.
Verify that the URL specified during provider registration is correct and that the provider is up and running. One way to verify this for a Web provider is to enter the URL in a browser. If the provider information is correct and the provider is up, the provider‘s test page is displayed. If the URL is correct and the provider is up, there may be a problem with the configuration of the portal repository. Contact the portal administrator to enable debug logging in the portal repository and view the log information.
Oracle Portal could not contact the provider because the URL specified was either incorrect or the provider was not running.
Error Id: WWC-43183
Title: The portlet ID and portlet name must be unique within a provider.
Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
An attempt was made to register a provider that contains portlets and the portlet names or portlet IDs were not unique within that provider.
Error Id: WWC-43184
Title: invalid portlet ID
Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
The portlet ID was invalid or null.
Error Id: WWC-43185
Title: The portlet ID value of %1 is invalid. The portlet ID must be in the range -2147483648 to 2147483648.
Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
A portlet ID was not in a valid range.
Error Id: WWC-43186
Title: The portlet name for portlet with ID=%1 is null. The portlet name cannot be null.
Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
A portlet name was null.
Error Id: WWC-43187
Title: The portlet name ‘%1‘ contains space characters. The portlet name should not contain any space characters.
Contact the developer responsible for the provider and request that this issue be resolved.
A portlet name contained space characters.
Error Id: WWC-43188
Title: You have registered this Web provider with the "Same Cookie Domain" check box selected.
This can result in cookie collisions and errors or loss of sessions in unrelated Web applications. To minimize the possibility of cookie collisions, ensure that: <ol> <li>Any custom cookies created by the Web provider have names that are unique to that Web provider.</li> <li>All portal instances accessed using the Federated Portal Adapter are configured with different DAD names.</li> <li>PDK-Java release 1 (JServ) Web providers requiring this setting are installed in uniquely named JServ servlet zones.</li> <li>PDK-Java release 2 (OC4J) Web providers do not use this setting if they use servlet sessions. This is because the cookie used to identify the session is always called JSESSIONID. This name is specified in the Servlet 2.3 specification. Relaxing the scope of a JSESSIONID cookie will almost certainly cause session-related problems to occur in other, unrelated, Web applications.</li> </ol>
Cookies created by this provider were forwarded to the user‘s browser and managed by the browser instead of Oracle Portal. After being managed by the browser, the cookies were sent to any other Web server that: <ol> <li>Was accessed within the same browser session.</li> <li>Fell within the relaxed scope specified when the cookie was created. </li> </ol>
Error Id: WWC-43256
Title: Registration handle length exceeds 255 characters.
If you supplied the value for the registration handle as an out-of-band registration handle, provide a value that is less than 255 characters in length. If the registration handle is generated by the provider, contact the WSRP provider administrator.
The length of the registration handle generated or supplied for this registration exceeded 255 characters.
Error Id: WWC-43257
Title: Portlet handle cannot be null.
Contact Oracle Support Services.
The provider did not generate a handle for this portlet, or Oracle Portal failed to store the portlet handle returned by the provider.
Error Id: WWC-43258
Title: Portlet handle length exceeds 255 characters.
Contact Oracle Support Services.
The portlet handle returned by the WSRP provider exceeded 255 characters.
Error Id: WWC-43259
Title: Translations for portlet multivalue attributes cannot be fetched.
Contact Oracle Support Services.
The provider did not return translations for the portlet attributes, or Oracle Portal failed to store them.
Error Id: WWC-43273
Title: An error occurs during the call to the WSRP provider: %1.
Try turning off extensions on the producer side or contact the WSRP provider administrator or portal administrator.
A problem occurred while getting the service description. This may be because the provider sent unsupported extensions.
Error Id: WWC-43274
Title: Markup types for the WSRP provider portlet "%1" [Provider ID: %2] are not found in the Portlet Medatada Repository.
Check for changes in the WSRP provider‘s registration URL. If the URL has not changed, try reregistering the provider.
If the WSRP provider‘s WSDL URL has changed, this might have caused existing portlets to be replaced with the portlets of the new provider. If the WSDL URL has not changed, there could be some data inconsistency.
Error Id: WWC-43275
Title: The Web Service URL is either empty or not properly formed.
Provide a correct URL or contact the WSRP provider administrator.
The Web Service URL might be empty or it was not formed properly.
Error Id: WWC-43277
Title: The producer URL specified may be wrong or the producer is not running.
Verify that the URL specified for the producer registration is correct and that the producer is up and running. One way to verify this is to enter the registration URL in a browser. If the URL is correct and the producer is up and running, you will see the producer‘s WSDL document.
The URL specified was either incorrect or the producer was not running. This caused a problem when Oracle Portal tried to contact the producer using that URL.
Error Id: WWC-43295
Title: The default user field is empty.
Specify a default user.
A default user was not specified.
Error Id: WWC-43296
Title: The issuer name field is empty.
Specify an issuer name.
An issuer name was not specified.
Error Id: WWC-43297
Title: The store path field is empty.
Specify the absolute location of the keystore on the server.
The store path was not specified.
Error Id: WWC-43298
Title: The store password field is empty.
Specify the store password.
The store password was not specified.
Error Id: WWC-43299
Title: The signature key alias field is empty.
Specify the signature key alias.
The signature key alias was not specified.
Error Id: WWC-43300
Ensure that the show mode for the request is one of: MODE_SHOW, MODE_SHOW_ABOUT, MODE_SHOW_EDIT, MODE_SHOW_HELP, MODE_SHOW_EDIT_DEFAULTS, MODE_SHOW_DETAILS, MODE_PREVIEW, or MODE_LINK. Note that these constants are defined in the WWPRO_API_PROVIDER public API.
A show request was made to a portlet with an invalid show mode.
Error Id: WWC-43302
Title: get_portlet returns an implementation type other than Database or Web for Portlet %1.%2.
Ensure that the portlet implementation type is one of: PLSQL_IMPL or HTTP_IMPL. These constants are defined in the API WWPRO_API_PROVIDER_REGISTRY public API.
The portlet returned an invalid implementation type.
Error Id: WWC-43303
Title: Web portlets can only be displayed in the parallel mode.
Contact the portal administrator. This message indicates data inconsistency.
A Web provider portlet was called by the PL/SQL API that was created to show PL/SQL portlets.
Error Id: WWC-43307
Title: The user does not have permission to update the portlets ACL.
Contact the portal administrator. Request that the required privileges be granted, or ensure that the portlet is online.
Either an attempt was made to update the portlet‘s access control list (ACL), or the portlet was offline.
Error Id: WWC-43308
Title: The specified portlet is not found in the Portlet Metadata Repository.
Refresh the provider that contains the portlet and attempt the operation again.
The specified portlet was not found in the Portlet Metadata Repository. This error suggests data inconsistency.
Error Id: WWC-43309
Title: You do not have permission to access the portlet called "%1" (%2,%3).
Contact the portal administrator. Request access to the portlet be granted.
An attempt was made to access the portlet, but the user had insufficient privileges.
Error Id: WWC-43310
Title: The specified portlet‘s provider is offline.
Ensure that the provider is online and attempt the operation again.
An attempt was made to access a portlet, but its provider was offline.
Error Id: WWC-43339
Title: analysis failure of the WSDL
Verify that the URI entered is correct, and check with the producer‘s administrator that the URI is valid.
Parsing of the provided WSDL failed. This could be due to an error entering the URI of the WSDL, or because the WSDL did not describe a valid WSRP service.
Error Id: WWC-43343
Title: Error: Cannot get portlet markup. Try reloading the portlet or the page.
Try reloading the portlet or the page. Verify that you still have permission to use the portlet and that the producer is running.
A request for portlet markup failed.
Error Id: WWC-43722
Title: The provider group "%1" is not registered.
Ensure that the name of the provider group requested is correct.
The provider group specified was not found in the portal repository.
Error Id: WWC-43725
Title: The provider group "%1" is already registered with Oracle Portal.
This error suggests data inconsistency. Contact the portal administrator.
The provider group specified was already registered with Oracle Portal.
Error Id: WWC-43733
Title: error accessing remote provider group server: %1
Check the error text, and any subsequent error messages, for specific details.
An error occurred while accessing the remote provider group server.
Error Id: WWC-43735
Title: The provider group "%2" defined by the server at URL "%1" is already registered with Oracle Portal.
Use the provider group previously registered with these details.
An attempt was made to register a provider group but a provider group with the same details had already been registered with Oracle Portal.
Error Id: WWC-44009
Title: The name is already in use. Recommended Name:%1
Specify a different name for the page or tab.
An attempt was made to specify a page or tab name that already existed.
Error Id: WWC-44081
Title: Specify a display name for this style.
Specify a display name for the style.
A display name was not specified when creating or copying a style.
Error Id: WWC-44085
Title: This region is already split.
Specify a different region, that is, one that is not already split.
An attempt was made to split a region that was already split.
Error Id: WWC-44087
Title: A region with this display name already exists.
Specify a unique name for the region.
An attempt was made to create a region but a regions with the specified name already existed.
Error Id: WWC-44089
Title: This region is not found.
Specify a valid region.
An attempt was made to delete, split, edit, or copy a region but the region could not be found.
Error Id: WWC-44090
Title: cannot delete the main region
Specify a different region for deletion.
An attempt was made to delete the main region of the page but the main region cannot be deleted unless the page is deleted.
Error Id: WWC-44091
Title: Specify a numeric value for the region width.
Ensure that the width value is an integer value (preferably between 1 and 100). If the width is a relative width, specify the % symbol (for example, 65%). If the width is an absolute width, specify only the numeric value (for example, 35).
An attempt was made to edit the width of a region but a nonnumeric value was specified.
Error Id: WWC-44102
Title: Specify a display name.
Specify name and display name values for the page. These values may not be null.
Name and display name values were not provided for a page.
Error Id: WWC-44131
Title: You do not have permission to perform this operation.
Log in to Oracle Portal as a user with privileges to perform the operation. Alternatively, contact the portal administrator to request that the necessary privileges be granted.
An attempt was made to perform an operation but the user did not have sufficient privileges.
Error Id: WWC-44132
Title: error while setting the default page
Contact Oracle Support Services.
An attempt was made to set the default page for a user or group but the operation failed.
Error Id: WWC-44151
Title: This style is not found.
Provide a valid style name and page group ID.
An attempt was made to access a style but the specified style name and page group ID did not exist.
Error Id: WWC-44214
Title: The URL specified is invalid.
Correct the URL, entering a valid protocol.
The value specified for a URL attribute did not begin with a valid protocol such as http://, https://, or ftp://.
Error Id: WWC-44233
Title: The name is not valid. Valid names contain only alphabetic or numeric characters, plus underscore. No spaces or special characters are allowed. Enter a valid name.
Specify a different name using only the characters A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, and underscore (_).
The name that was entered contained invalid characters.
Error Id: WWC-44234
Title: Page not found.
Verify that the specified page name or page ID is correct.
An attempt was made to view or edit an Oracle Portal page but the specified page did not exist,
Error Id: WWC-44250
Title: You do not have permission to move the selected portlets.
Log in as a user with Personalize (Full) privileges on the page containing the portlets. Alternatively, add the same portlet to the destination region and hide the portlet in the source region.
An attempt was made to move one or more portlets, but the user did not have the appropriate privileges.
Error Id: WWC-44251
Title: You do not have permission to move the selected objects.
Log in as a user with either Manage Content privileges on the page containing the item or portlet, or Manage privileges on the item itself. Alternatively, add the same portlet to the destination region and hide the portlet in the source region.
An attempt was made to move one or more items or portlets, but the user did not have the appropriate privileges.
Error Id: WWC-44258
Title: You do not have permission to move content into the selected region.
Log in as a user with the appropriate privileges to perform the operation.
An attempt was made to add content to a region, but the user did not have the appropriate privileges.
Error Id: WWC-44279
Title: The default page for the system cannot be deleted.
Do not attempt to delete this page.
An attempt was made to delete a system default page. Such pages cannot be deleted.
Error Id: WWC-44284
Title: error while adding banner for the template
Select a different navigation page to be the default navigation page for the page group.
An attempt was made to set the default navigation page for a page group, but the specified navigation page did not exist.
Error Id: WWC-44334
Title: Portlet Information cannot be obtained.
Ensure that the provider is online, the portlet is available, and that the user has permission to access the provider or portlet.
An attempt to access a portlet failed because the provider or the portlet was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44366
Title: This page cannot be copied as a JSP file.
Choose a standard page when copying as a JSP file.
An attempt was made to copy a page that was not a standard page as a JSP file. Only standard pages can be copied as JSP files.
Error Id: WWC-44552
Title: Specify a numeric value for the space between portlets.
Specify an integer value (preferably between 1 and 100) for the "Space between Portlets" field. If no space is required between portlets, specify 0 or null.
When editing a region, a nonnumeric value was specified for the "Space between Portlets" field.
Error Id: WWC-44570
Title: Specify a numeric value for the space around portlets.
Specify an integer value (preferably between 1 and 100) for the "Space around Portlets" field. If no space is required around portlets, specify 0 or null.
When editing a region, a nonnumeric value was specified for the "Space around Portlets" field.
Error Id: WWC-44582
Title: error while creating tab
Specify a valid name for the tab, or ensure that the user has the appropriate privileges to add a tab.
An attempt to add a tab failed. Either the specified tab name was invalid or the user did not have permission to add a tab.
Error Id: WWC-44583
Title: error while editing tab
Specify a valid name for the tab, or ensure that the user has the appropriate privileges to edit the tab.
An attempt to edit a tab failed. Either the specified tab name was invalid or the user did not have permission to edit the tab.
Error Id: WWC-44650
Title: Specify a numeric value for item icon height.
Specify a positive number for the height (in pixels) of item images.
An invalid value was specified for the Item Icon Height field.
Error Id: WWC-44651
Title: Specify a numeric value for item icon width.
Specify a positive number for the width (in pixels) of item images.
An invalid value was specified for the Item Icon Width field.
Error Id: WWC-44652
Title: Invalid number of columns. Value should be at least be 1.
Specify a positive number for the number of columns in the region.
An invalid value was specified for the number of columns.
Error Id: WWC-44662
Title: To perform this action, select a portlet, item, or tab using the check boxes below
Select one or more portlets, items, or tabs before clicking an action button.
An action button was clicked without first selecting any portlets, items, or tabs.
Error Id: WWC-44704
Title: error while creating the page parameter
Refresh the screen and verify that the page is still available.
An attempt to create a page parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44705
Title: error while reordering page parameter "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the page and page parameter are still available.
An attempt to reorder page parameters failed.
Error Id: WWC-44706
Title: error while deleting page parameter "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the page and page parameter are still available.
An attempt to delete a page parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44707
Title: error while editing page parameter "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the page parameter is still available.
An attempt to edit the value of a page parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44708
Title: invalid page parameter name "%1"
Enter a valid page parameter name. Refer to the Page Properties Parameter tab for a list of valid page parameter names.
The specified page parameter name was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-44709
Title: error while editing value of portlet parameter "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the portlet parameter is still available.
An attempt to edit the value of a portlet parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44714
Title: error while personalizing page parameter "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the page parameter is still available.
An attempt to personalize a page parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44715
Title: error while resetting page parameters to default values
Refresh the screen and verify that the personalization screen is still available.
An attempt to reset page parameters to their default values failed.
Error Id: WWC-44721
Title: error while fetching portlet parameters
Refresh the screen and verify that the portlet is still available.
An attempt to fetch portlet parameters failed.
Error Id: WWC-44751
Title: error while editing value of parameter "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the event parameter is still available.
An attempt to edit the value of an event parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44752
Title: error while linking event "%1" to page "%2"
Refresh the screen and verify that the event and the page are still available.
An attempt to link an event to a page failed.
Error Id: WWC-44753
Title: error while removing link from event "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
An attempt to remove a link from an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44754
Title: error while updating link between event "%1" and page "%2"
Refresh the screen and verify that the event and the page are still available.
An attempt to update the target page for an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44755
Title: invalid event output name "%1"
Specify a valid event output name.
The specified event output name was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-44756
Title: The name is already used. Pick a name that is unique.
Specify a different, unique name.
The specified name has already been used.
Error Id: WWC-44757
Title: error while creating the parameter: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
An attempt to create a parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44758
Title: error while editing the parameter: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
An attempt to edit a parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44759
Title: Parameter cannot be personalized.
Refresh the screen and verify whether or not the parameter can be personalized.
An attempt to personalize a parameter failed. The parameter cannot be personalized.
Error Id: WWC-44761
Title: error while deleting parameter: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object and the parameter are still available.
An attempt to delete a parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44762
Title: parameter "%1" not found
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available and that the user has the appropriate access privileges.
The specified parameter was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44765
Title: Search for parameter "%1" causes an error: %2.
Refresh the screen and verify that the object is still available and that the user has the appropriate access privileges.
An attempt to search for a parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44766
Title: error while creating the parameter mapping: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
An attempt to create a parameter map failed.
Error Id: WWC-44767
Title: error while updating the parameter mapping: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
An attempt to edit a parameter map failed.
Error Id: WWC-44768
Title: unsupported from type "%1"
Select a different source object.
The source object type specified was not supported.
Error Id: WWC-44769
Title: Parameter "%1" already has the smallest display order and cannot be moved up.
Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter is already at the top of the display order.
An attempt was made to move the first parameter in the list to the top of the display order.
Error Id: WWC-44770
Title: failure to move parameter "%1" up in the display order: %2
Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter is still available.
An attempt to move a parameter up in the display order failed.
Error Id: WWC-44775
Title: flow element not found
Refresh the screen and verify that the dependent object is still available.
The specified flow element was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44779
Title: error while creating flow link "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent page is still available.
An attempt to create a flow link failed.
Error Id: WWC-44780
Title: error while deleting flow link "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent page is still available.
An attempt to delete a flow link failed.
Error Id: WWC-44781
Title: flow link not found
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent page is still available.
The specified flow link was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44783
Title: invalid parent type for event "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
The specified parent object did not have a valid type.
Error Id: WWC-44784
Title: Parent of event "%1" is not a portlet.
Specify a portlet.
The specified parent object was not a portlet.
Error Id: WWC-44786
Title: Event "%1" already exists.
Specify a different, unique event name.
The specified event name already existed.
Error Id: WWC-44787
Title: error while creating event "%1": %2
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
An attempt to create an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44788
Title: error while deleting event: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
An attempt to delete an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44789
Title: error while deleting events: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the events are still available.
An attempt to delete events failed.
Error Id: WWC-44790
Title: event not found
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
The specified event was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44791
Title: event "%1" not found
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
The specified event was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44792
Title: events not found
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent objects are still available.
The specified events were not found.
Error Id: WWC-44793
Title: error while creating event map: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
An attempt to create an event map failed.
Error Id: WWC-44794
Title: error while deleting event map: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
An attempt to delete an event map failed.
Error Id: WWC-44795
Title: event map not found
Verify that the parent object is still available.
The specified event map was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44801
Title: error while searching for parameter mapping: %1
Refresh the screen, verify that the parent object is still available and that the user has the appropriate access privileges.
The specified parameter map was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44803
Title: duplicate event maps not allowed
Edit or delete the existing event map, or create a new event map.
An attempt was made to duplicate an event map.
Error Id: WWC-44812
Title: Error while fetching portlet events
Refresh the screen and verify that the portlet is still available.
An attempt to fetch portlet events failed.
Error Id: WWC-44815
Title: Error while retrieving link from event "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
An attempt to retrieve the link from an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44816
Title: Error while retrieving the target page for event "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
An attempt to retrieve the target page for an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44829
Title: Error while writing parameter map metadata: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter map is still available.
An attempt to write parameter map metadata failed.
Error Id: WWC-44833
Title: error while adding display name or description for event "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
An attempt to add a display name or description for an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44834
Title: error while editing the event: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the event is still available.
An attempt to edit an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44835
Title: error while creating page event from portlet event "%1": %2
Refresh the screen and verify that the portlet event is still available.
An attempt to create a page event from a portlet event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44836
Title: error while invalidating page cache after updating event: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the event or dependent object is still available.
An attempt to invalidate the page cache after updating an event failed.
Error Id: WWC-44840
Title: invalid context for parameter "%1"
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object still exists.
The parent object (portlet, page, or event) for the parameter was not valid.
Error Id: WWC-44841
Title: error during a parameter change event: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter or dependent object are still available.
An attempt to update a parameter failed.
Error Id: WWC-44843
Title: page not found: %1,%2
Verify that the page exists and that the details of the specified page are correct.
The specified page was not found.
Error Id: WWC-44875
Title: portal template not found
Specify a valid template.
An attempt was made to base a page on an invalid template.
Error Id: WWC-44891
Title: The system variable "%1" is not valid. Specify a different value.
Specify a valid system variable, one of USER_NAME, USER_ID, COMPANY_NAME, SUBSCRIBER_ID, NLS_LANG, or NLS_TERRITORY.
An invalid system variable was specified.
Error Id: WWC-44899
Title: error during a parameter map change event: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter map or the dependent objects are still available.
An attempt to update a parameter map failed.
Error Id: WWC-44901
Title: error while deleting flow link children: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the dependent objects are still available.
An attempt to delete the children of a flow link failed.
Error Id: WWC-44902
Title: error while deleting parameter maps: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the dependent objects are still available.
An attempt to delete parameter maps failed.
Error Id: WWC-44929
Title: You can only download JSP file from a JSP page.
Specify a JSP page to download.
An attempt was made to download a JSP file from a non-JSP type page.
Error Id: WWC-44930
Title: You do not have privileges to download the JSP file for this JSP page.
Log in as a user with privileges to perform the operation.
An attempt was made to download the JSP file of a JSP page without the appropriate privileges.
Error Id: WWC-44932
Title: The page‘s template cannot be changed to "%1" because the page contains portlets or items and the selected template has no portlet regions or item regions.
Select a different template. Ensure that the template contains the necessary region types.
A template was selected without an item region or portlet region for the items or portlets on the page.
Error Id: WWC-44997
Title: error while refreshing the portlet repository
The page is published as a portlet. Refresh the repository manually.
An attempt to refresh the portlet repository failed.
Error Id: WWC-45026
Title: Number of objects in each section must be a number greater than zero.
Specify a number greater than zero.
An invalid value was specified for the number of objects in each section.
Error Id: WWC-45235
Title: Number entered for the limit must be a valid number greater than or equal to zero.
Specify a valid number between 0 and 50.
An invalid number value was specified for the limit.
Error Id: WWC-45256
Title: This page group is not configured to allow JSP access.
Edit the properties of the page group and, on the Configure tab, enable "JSP Access".
An attempt was made to copy a JSP to a page group that was not configured to allow JSP access.
Error Id: WWC-45290
Title: The portlet is not found (%1 , %2).
Ensure that the specified provider ID and portlet ID are correct.
An attempt was made to access a portlet with a given portlet ID and provider ID, using the API call, wwsbr_folder_portlet.describe_parameters. The specified portlet was not found.
Error Id: WWC-46800
Title: document not found
Verify that the specified URL is still valid, if applicable. Visit the parent page to verify that the item still exists.
An attempt was made to access a document that did not exist or that was no longer accessible.
Error Id: WWC-46805
Title: You do not have permission to perform this operation.
Log in as a user who has the appropriate privileges to perform the operation.
An attempt was made to perform an action but the user does not have the appropriate privileges.
Error Id: WWC-46811
Title: Your file cannot be uploaded because it is larger than the maximum allowed file size.
Reduce the size of the file, or contact the portal administrator and request that the maximum permitted file size be increased.
An attempt was made to upload a file that exceeded the maximum size allowed per file.
Error Id: WWC-46813
Title: Your file cannot be uploaded because doing so would exceed the total amount of space allocated for uploaded files.
Create some free space by deleting other documents, or contact the portal administrator and request that the quota allocation be increased.
An attempt was made to upload a file that would result in the allocated space quota being exceeded.
Error Id: WWC-47499
Title: You do not have permission to access this screen.
Log in as a user with at least the ‘All Logs - Edit‘ privilege.
An attempt was made to access a screen but the user did not have sufficient privileges.
Error Id: WWC-49100
Title: unable to locate type %1
Verify the name of the dynamic type.
An attempt was made to load a nonexistent dynamic type.
Error Id: WWC-49101
Title: invalid conversion requested for type %1
Ensure that the type loaded and the requested conversion type match. For example, if a number type is loaded a number, invoke the type_to_number() method for conversion.
A mismatch occurred between the dynamic type loaded and the requested conversion type. For example, the type_to_number() method was invoked after loading a date type.
Error Id: WWC-49102
Title: no conversion performed for type %1, value %2
Provide a valid format mask.
The value provided could not be converted to the requested type using the available format masks. The format mask used may be invalid.
Error Id: WWC-50003
Title: object not found
Verify that the path is valid. Path names are case-sensitive.
The specified path to the given object did not exist.
Error Id: WWC-50015
Title: You do not have permission to perform this operation.
Log in as a user who has the appropriate privileges to perform the operation.
An attempt was made to perform an operation but the user did not have the appropriate privileges.
Error Id: WWC-53100
Title: general error
Wait for a while and attempt the operation again. Contact the portal administrator if the problen persists.
An attempt to access the Oracle Internet Directory failed.
Error Id: WWC-53101
Title: invalid input parameter
Check the specified input parameter values.
Invalid values were specified for input parameters.
Error Id: WWC-53102
Title: The specified user is not a member of any group.
Check the specified user name.
The specified user was not a member of any group.
Error Id: WWC-53103
Title: The specified subscriber does not exist in the directory.
Check the name of the subscriber required.
An attempt was made to access a subscriber that did not exist in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-53104
Title: The specified user does not exist in the directory.
Check the name of the specified user.
The specified user did not exist in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-53105
Title: The root Oracle Context does not exist in the directory.
Check the Oracle Internet Directory Server configuration and ensure the root Oracle Context information is loaded properly.
The root Oracle Context was not found in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-53106
Title: Multiple subscriber entries are found for the specified subscriber nickname.
Verify that the nickname attribute of subscribers in the Oracle Internet Directory are unique.
Multiple subscriber entries with the same subscriber nickname were found in the Oracle Internet Directory.
Error Id: WWC-53107
Title: Root Oracle Context does not contain all the required information.
Check the Oracle Internet Directory Server configuration and ensure that the root Oracle Context information is loaded properly.
The root Oracle Context level was not found.
Error Id: WWC-53108
Title: Oracle Context does not exist for the subscriber.
Check the Oracle Internet Directory Server configuration and ensure that the subscriber Oracle Context information is loaded properly.
Oracle Context was not found for the subscriber.
Error Id: WWC-53109
Title: Oracle Context for the subscriber is invalid.
Check the Oracle Internet Directory Server configuration and ensure that the subscriber Oracle Context information is loaded properly.
Oracle Context for the subscriber was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53110
Title: Multiple user entries exist for the specified user nickname.
Use the popup list next to the name field to specify the user name.
Multiple users with the given name were found in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-53111
Title: The specified group does not exist in the directory.
Check the name of the group required.
An attempt was made to access a group that did not exist in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-53112
Title: Multiple group entries exist for the specified group nickname in the directory.
Verify that the group name is valid. Use the popup list next to the name field to specify the group name.
Multiple groups with the given name were found in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-53113
Title: Your account is locked. Have your administrator reset your password, or wait for the lockout duration to transpire.
Contact the portal administrator and request that the password be reset. Alternatively, wait for the lockout period to expire.
The user account was locked because the number of failed login attempts exceeded the maximum number allowed, as specified by the password policy.
Error Id: WWC-53114
Title: The password is about to expire and should be changed.
Change the password before it expires.
A password was about to expire.
Error Id: WWC-53115
Title: Your user name or password is incorrect.
Specify the correct login credentials.
An attempt was made to authenticate with incorrect login credentials.
Error Id: WWC-53116
Title: Your password has expired.
Contact the portal administrator and request that the password be reset.
A password has expired.
Error Id: WWC-53117
Title: The entity handle properties are being reset by the caller.
Report this error to Oracle Support Services. Include the operations that led to the error, any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving this error, and the complete stack trace produced by this error.
An unexpected condition was encountered.
Error Id: WWC-53118
Title: unable to locate the subscriber for the specified user
Report this error to Oracle Support Services. Include the operations that led to the error, any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving this error, and the complete stack trace produced by this error.
An unexpected condition was encountered.
Error Id: WWC-53119
Title: The password is about to expire; change the password now.
Change the password before it expires.
A password was about to expire.
Error Id: WWC-53120
Title: Your password is smaller than the minimum required length of a password.
Specify a password that is equal to, or greater than, the minimum required password length. If necessary, contact the portal administrator to confirm the minimum required length of passwords.
The password specified was less than the minimum required length required for passwords.
Error Id: WWC-53121
Title: Your password does not contain the minimum number of numeric characters required.
Specify a password that contains at least the minimum number of numeric characters required. If necessary, contact the portal administrator to confirm the minimum number of numeric characters required for passwords.
The password specified did not contain the minimum number of numeric characters required.
Error Id: WWC-53122
Title: Your password cannot be null.
Specify a valid password.
A null value was specified for a password.
Error Id: WWC-53123
Title: Your new password cannot be the same as your old password.
Specify a new password that is different from the previous password.
While changing a password, the new password was the same as the previous password.
Error Id: WWC-53124
Title: Your password contains an invalid value.
Specify a password that does not contain any invalid characters.
The password specified contained one or more invalid characters.
Error Id: WWC-53125
Title: Your password has expired. You should change your password soon.
Change the password as soon as possible.
A password had expired but the user has been allowed to log in and change the password.
Error Id: WWC-53126
Title: Your password has expired. Contact your administrator to change your password.
Contact the portal administrator to change the password.
A password had expired.
Error Id: WWC-53127
Title: A user property is not found.
Check the property name.
An attempt was made to search for a property that did not exist in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-53128
Title: Your account has been disabled.
Contact the portal administrator and request that the account be enabled.
An account was disabled.
Error Id: WWC-53129
Title: A property is not found while searching for the property in the directory.
Check the property name.
An attempt was made to search for a property that did not exist in the directory.
Error Id: WWC-53149
Title: The Portal was unable to establish contact with the Oracle Internet Directory because the following connection parameters are missing:%1
Run the command-line script ptlasst in MIDTIER mode to configure the Oracle Internet Directory connection parameters: ptlasst -mode MIDTIER -type OID
The connection parameters specified were not available.
Error Id: WWC-53200
Title: The specified grantee has already been granted %1 privilege. To change the privilege of this grantee, select the appropriate privilege from the drop-down list shown against the name of the grantee and click Apply or OK.
Change the privilege of this grantee by selecting the appropriate privilege from the drop-down list shown against the name of the grantee.
An attempt was made to add a privilege for a grantee that has already been granted a different privilege. Only a single privilege can be granted on an object to any grantee.
Error Id: WWC-53201
Title: Value specified for the limit set for total space allocated must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the total space allocated.
The value specified for the total space allocated was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53202
Title: Value specified for the limit set for maximum file size must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the maximum file size.
The value specified for the maximum file size was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53203
Title: Value specified for the SMTP port must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the SMTP port.
The value specified for the SMTP port was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53204
Title: Value specified for the URL connection timeout interval must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the URL connection timeout interval.
The value specified for the URL connection timeout interval was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53205
Title: Value specified for log switch interval must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the log switch interval.
The value specified for the log switch interval was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53206
Title: Value specified for the directory synchronization interval must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the interval between DIP notifications.
The value specified for the interval between DIP notifications was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53207
Title: Value specified for the Web Cache invalidation port must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the invalidation port.
The value specified for the invalidation port was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53208
Title: Value specified for the Web Cache administration port must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the administration port.
The value specified for the administration port was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53209
Title: Value specified for the maximum Web Cache expiry time must be a positive integer.
Specify a positive integer for the maximum expiry time.
The value specified for the maximum expiry time was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53218
Title: Cannot set the directory synchronization parameters because the provisioning profile does not exist.
Create the provisioning profile by running ptlasst using -mode MIDTIER -type DIPREG and retry.
An attempt was made to set directory synchronization parameters when the provisioning profile did not exist.
Error Id: WWC-53220
Title: An exception occurs while creating the user account in the Oracle Internet Directory. Verify that the specified password conforms to the password policy.
Specify a password that complies with the password policy and retry. Contact the portal administrator if the problem persists.
The password specified violated the password policy or an attribute value was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53221
Title: An exception occurs while creating the user account in the Oracle Internet Directory: %1
Take appropriate action based on the error message. Contact the portal administrator if the problem persists.
The password specified violated the password policy or an attribute value was invalid. The error message provides specific information about the cause.
Error Id: WWC-53222
Title: The URL contains an invalid parameter value.
Provide the correct value for the parameter and resubmit the request, or log in to the Oracle Single Sign-On Server again.
The value specified for the parameter in the URL was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-53314
Title: Number of users returned exceeds the search return limit. Narrow the search criteria and try again.
Change the search criteria so that a smaller number of users is returned. Alternatively, contact the portal administrator and request that the LOV size limit be increased.
A large number of users matched the search criteria specified.
Error Id: WWC-53366
Title: Number of groups returned exceeds the search return limit. Narrow the search criteria and try again.
Change the search criteria so that a smaller number of groups is returned. Alternatively, contact the portal administrator and request that the LOV size limit be increased.
A large number of groups matched the search criteria specified.
Error Id: WWC-53377
Title: The external application does not exist and may have been deleted. Update your link. If using the External Applications portlet, customize the portlet to update the list of links.
Refresh the portlet so that these obselete links are removed.
Some of the existing external application links were no longer valid.
Error Id: WWC-57102
Title: To perform this action, select a portlet or tab using the check boxes below.
Select one or more portlets or tabs before clicking an action button.
An action button was clicked without first selecting any portlets or tabs.
Error Id: WWC-57103
Title: No region selected. Select a region, then click %1.
Create an item region, and then copy or move the item.
An attempt was made to copy or move an item to a page that did not have an item region.
Error Id: WWC-57106
Title: To perform this action, select a portlet, item, or level using the check boxes below.
Select one or more portlets, items, or levels before clicking an action button.
An action button was clicked without first selecting any portlets, items, or levels.
Error Id: WWC-57124
Title: Moving tabs is not allowed. Only portlets can be moved using the Move button. To reorder tabs, click the Arrange Tabs icon.
Although tabs cannot be moved between regions, you may reorder tabs within a single tab region. To reorder tabs, click the Arrange Tabs icon in the tab region.
An attempt was made to move a tab. Tabs cannot be moved between regions.
Error Id: WWC-57186
Title: Page %1 is a system-level cache page; no personalization is allowed.
To modify this page, make changes affecting all users; this requires privileges to edit the page.
An attempt was made to personalize a page that was cached at the system level. This is not permitted because all users see the same content on such pages. Only pages that are cached at the user level (or not cached at all) can be personalized.
Error Id: WWC-57216
Title: Invalid number of rows. Value should be at least be 1.
Specify a positive number for the number of rows in the region.
The value specified for the number of rows was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-57239
Title: Choose a page for the template input parameter.
Click the Browse Pages icon and choose a page for the template input.
Page was specified as the value type for the template input, but a page was not selected.
Error Id: WWC-57267
Title: error while configuring the page group
Refresh the screen and verify that the page group is still available.
An attempt to configure a page group failed.
Error Id: WWC-57268
Title: error while writing parameter metadata: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the parameter is still available.
An attempt to write parameter metadata failed.
Error Id: WWC-57269
Title: The parent object ‘%1‘ does not have a valid ID.
Refresh the screen and verify that the parent object is still available.
The parent object ID was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-57270
Title: error during a flow link change event: %1
Refresh the screen and verify that the dependent pages are still available.
An attempt to update a flow link failed.
Error Id: WWC-57272
Title: The reference path %1 for the portlet instance %2 is not valid.
Specify correct values and use the correct reference path format.
The format of the reference path was incorrect. The correct format is <id>_<portletname>_<providerid>.
Error Id: WWC-57421
Title: Specify a numeric value for the space between items.
Specify a number (preferably betweeen 1 and 100) for the Space between Items field. If you do not want any space between items, specify 0 or null.
The value specified for the Space between Items field was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-57422
Title: Specify a numeric value for the space around items.
Specify a number (preferably between 1 and 100) for the Space around Items field. If you do not want any space around items, specify 0 or null.
The value specified for the Space around Items field was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-57436
Title: invalid item attribute parameter name "%1"
Specify a valid item attribute parameter name.
The specified item attribute parameter name was invalid.
Error Id: WWC-59083
Title: unable to get SSO login configuration from mod_osso
Verify that the OracleAS Portal middle-tier mod_osso is properly registered with an Oracle SSO Server.
The operation to retrieve the SSO login configuration from mod_osso failed.
Error Id: WWS-18000
Title: Document written successfully but the annotation failed.
Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why this occurred.
The write operation of the file completed, but the comments for it failed.
Error Id: WWS-18001
Title: %1
Check that the redirected URL is valid and WebDAV is set up correctly for this portal.
A redirect required to get to the requested collection has failed.
Error Id: WWS-18002
Title: The document %1 cannot be located.
In Oracle Portal, check whether the document is accessible. If it is accessible, there is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.
The requested document did not exist in the location specified.
Error Id: WWS-18003
Title: No such lock token %1 is associated with document ID %2.
To create a lock, check it out using the lock command.
No lock was associated with this resource.
Error Id: WWS-18004
Title: User not authorized to perform the requested operation
If applicable, contact the portal administrator and request that privileges be granted to perform such operations.
An attempt was made to perform an operation but the user does not have the necessary privileges to perform the task.
Error Id: WWS-18005
Title: Driver versions do not match
Check your installation.
The version of the OraDAV module on the middle tier and its database counterpart do not match.
Error Id: WWS-18006
Title: Unknown driver parameter: %1
Check your installation.
The version of the OraDAV module on the middle tier and its database counterpart do not match.
Error Id: WWS-18007
Title: Invalid argument: %1
Check that the values supplied for all arguments are valid.
The argument value specified is not valid.
Error Id: WWS-18008
Title: The requested operation is prohibited on the specified document.
Check the permissions of the user, security on the document, and the status of the document.
An attempt to perform an operation on a document failed.
Error Id: WWS-18009
Title: Supplied container version %1 does not match %2 for %3
Check the installation and ensure that all necessary patches have been applied.
The version of the OraDAV module on the middle tier does not match the drivers in the database.
Error Id: WWS-18010
Title: Document %1 is locked.
Check in or undo the checkout for the document to release the lock.
The document requested was checked out.
Error Id: WWS-18011
Title: The document exists but is not the expected type.
Check that the operation attempted is valid for this type of resource.
The document found was a file when a directory was expected. Or, the document found was a directory when a file was expected.
Error Id: WWS-18012
Title: ROWID %1 from %2 is already exposed.
No action is required, as the document is already exposed to the client.
The document specified is already exposed to the client.
Error Id: WWS-18014
Title: The collection %1 already contains non-external data.
Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
The directory specified exists and is not empty.
Error Id: WWS-18017
Title: A WebDAV table is corrupt.
Use the DAV Loader utility, wwdav_loader, to repopulate the WebDAV tables with the latest data available from OracleAS Portal.
One of the internal WebDAV tables contains invalid data.
Error Id: WWS-18018
Title: The log file is already open.
If necessary, close the log file.
An attempt to open a log file failed as it was already open.
Error Id: WWS-18019
Title: Some objects being dropped do not exist.
Check your installation.
An attempt was made to drop repository objects but some of the objects do not exist.
Error Id: WWS-18020
Title: %1 already exists.
Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why the error occurred.
The specified resource already exists.
Error Id: WWS-18024
Title: %1 does not exist.
Check the WebDAV error file in your Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
The specified resource was not found.
Error Id: WWS-18025
Title: %1 in storage area %2 is currently in use for storage and therefore cannot be deleted.
Ensure that the resource is not in use before attempting to delete it.
An attempt to delete a resource failed because the requested resource was open and in use.
Error Id: WWS-18026
Title: %1
Check the WebDAV error file in user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
An internal error has occurred.
Error Id: WWS-18027
Title: Cannot return a multistatus response.
Check the WebDAV error file in the Personal Page and the Oracle HTTP Server error log file for possible reasons why this error occurred.
An error occurred while trying to return a multistatus response for the requested operation.
Error Id: WWS-18028
Title: Cannot upload document as quota was exceeded.
Check the page group quota and if necessary, free up some space.
An attempt to upload a document failed. The size quota permitted was exceeded.
Error Id: WWS-18029
Title: The requested operation is forbidden.
Check the permissions of the user and also whether this operation is permitted.
An attempt to perform an operation failed.
Error Id: WWS-18067
Title: User %1 does not have a personal page in which the WebDAV error message log file can be created.
Create a Personal Page for this user, into which the WebDAV error log file can be placed.
No Personal Page was found for the logged-in user.
Error Id: WWS-18068
Title: The personal page for %1 does not include an item region in which the WebDAV error message log file can be created.
Create an item region on the Personal Page for this user, in which the WebDAV error log file can be placed.
No item region was available on the Personal Page for the logged-in user.
Error Id: WWS-18070
Title: There is no item in which to store error messages.
Create the WebDAV error log file item in the user‘s Personal Page.
A WebDAV error log file item does not exist.
Error Id: WWS-18072
Title: An exception has occurred that was not anticipated: %1
Check the WebDAV error log file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred. Also check the Apache error log file.
An internal error occurred.
Error Id: WWS-18073
Title: An exception occurred while creating or referencing the required preference.
Check the Apache error log file for possible reasons why this error occurred.
The preference required for the WebDAV error log file was not created.
Error Id: WWS-18075
Title: The default region of page %1 is incompatible with the object type being placed in it.
Check the value of the region type and ensure it allows file types to be uploaded.
The default region type did not allow file types to be placed in it.
Error Id: WWS-18076
Title: The error log item for user %1 cannot be used. It may not exist, cannot be found, or cannot be created.
Check whether the WebDAV error log exists.
An attempt to write to the WebDAV error log file failed. Either the WebDAV error log file does not exist, cannot be found, or cannot be created.
Error Id: WWS-18077
Title: No file-based item types are available. File upload via WebDAV is not available in this page group.
Select some allowable item types for the page group.
No file-based or image-based item types were specified for the page group.
Error Id: WWS-18085
Title: Expecting data to be returned from query using condition %1, but no data found.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
An internal error occurred.
Error Id: WWS-18086
Title: An internal module call has been made using an invalid or inconsistent set of parameters. module: %1, parameters: %2.
Check the Apache error log file for possible reasons why this error occurred.
It was not possible to create the WebDAV error log file as the user name was not supplied.
Error Id: WWS-18087
Title: An error occurred during the %1 for %2.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
The attempted operation failed to complete.
Error Id: WWS-18088
Title: An error occurred during the %1 from %2 to %3.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
The attempted operation failed to complete.
Error Id: WWS-18089
Title: An error occurred during the %1 operation.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
The attempted operation failed to complete.
Error Id: WWS-18090
Title: Cannot create a lock with scope %1 on the given resource of type %2. Shared or S locks are not permissible and collections or C cannot be locked.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
The attempted operation failed to complete.
Error Id: WWS-18091
Title: Updating the last-modified date for %1 failed, since it is expected to be collection.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
It was not possible to update the last modified date as it is not a directory.
Error Id: WWS-18092
Title: Deleting the root path or top-level directory is not allowed.
The root path or top-level directory cannot be deleted.
The attempted operation is not permitted.
Error Id: WWS-18093
Title: Writing to the root directory is not allowed.
Writing to the root directory cannot be done.
The attempted operation is not permitted.
Error Id: WWS-18094
Title: Moving %1 to %2 with destination name %3 fails. Moving resources across page groups is not allowed.
Resources cannot be moved across page groups.
An invalid operation was attempted.
Error Id: WWS-18095
Title: Copying %1 to %2 with destination name %3 failed. Copying resources across page groups is not allowed.
Resources cannot be copied across page groups.
The attempted operation is not permitted.
Error Id: WWS-18096
Title: The name %1 in path %2 contains slashes, which is not allowed.
Remove the slashes from the name.
This name cannot contain slashes.
Error Id: WWS-18097
Title: The creation of %1 failed, since its parent, %2, is either not a collection or is the root directory.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.
The attempted operation failed to complete.
Error Id: WWS-18098
Title: The resource is already exclusively locked.
Check in or undo the checkout for the document to release the lock.
The document specified is checked out.
Error Id: WWS-18099
Title: The resource cannot be locked because it is a collection. Collections cannot be checked out and locked.
Do not check out a directory, as it is not permitted.
An attempt was made to check out a directory but this is not supported.
Error Id: WWS-18100
Title: Insufficient write permissions on the folder.
If applicable, contact the portal administrator and request that privileges be granted to perform this operation.
An attempt was made to modify a directory but the user did not have sufficient permissions.
Error Id: WWS-18101
Title: WebDAV Path not found.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred.Also check the Apache error log file.
The resource cannot be found in the underlying tables.
Error Id: WWS-18102
Title: Cannot validate at the given depth %1.
Check the WebDAV error file in the user‘s Personal Page for possible reasons why this error occurred. Also check the Apache error log file.
It is not possible to check for locks at the given level in the directory hierarchy.
Error Id: WWS-18103
Title: It is not possible to perform the %1 operation on version zero of a document (dav-id = %2). This version is a placeholder for the first complete version of the document, which will only be available once the author has submitted it for review and it has been approved.
To allow modifications, submit it to the approval system and approve it, if the user is not an approver or owner of the document.
The attempted operation failed. It is not possible to perform any operations on this resource until it has been submitted to the approval system.
Error Id: WWS-18104
Title: There is not yet a complete initial version of this document; it is still being edited or reviewed. It will become available for general use after it has been approved.
Wait until the document has been submitted to the approval system.
The attempted operation failed. It is not possible to perform any operations on this resource until it has been submitted to the approval system.
Error Id: WWS-18105
Title: OracleAS Portal has checked for the existence of WebDAV locks on the resource with dav-id = %1, to a depth of %2, and has found that locks exist. This may have caused OracleAS Portal to terminate the current action.
Determine why the item is locked or checked out and, if safe to do so, unlock or check in the item and attempt the operation again.
The attempted action required implicitly or explicitly that a WebDAV resource be moved or removed, for example, a file or image item. The operation failed because this resource was locked, either by a WebDAV client, or has been checked out. When a resource is locked, it indicates that someone is actively using the resource and therefore it is not appropriate to move or remove the resource.
Error Id: WWS-18121
Title: The requested menu action is invalid.
Ensure that the Portal WebDAV URL is pointing to the correct address.
A menu action specified in the request is not supported by this portal.
Error Id: WWS-18122
Title: The access control list is not allowed for this document.
Contact your portal administrator. Request that Item Level Security is enabled on the document for which access control is required.
Item Level Security is not enabled on this document.
Error Id: WWS-18123
Title: Unknown error occurred while processing the menu request.
Contact Oracle Support Services.
An internal error occurred.
Error Id: WWS-18131
Title: The operation %1 has been attempted on a resource, a version of which is pending approval. The operation is not allowed at this time.
Wait for the resource to be approved or rejected and attempt the operation again.
An attempt was made to update a resource that is pending approval. The version in the approval process remains locked until it is either rejected or approved.
Error Id: WWS-18132
Title: Locked: %1
Attempt the operation again after all locks have been removed.
The given path is locked in WebDAV possibly because the resource is in use or pending approval.
Error Id: WWS-18133
Title: The item type used for uploading content from DAV has mandatory fields which cannot be set from WebDAV.
Either make these fields optional in the item type properties, specify a default value for these fields in the item type properties, or change the item type used for uploading files of this type in the page properties.
The item type which has been chosen in the page properties for the type of file being uploaded has mandatory fields with no default values. It is not possible to upload items of this type from WebDAV as these fields cannot be set by the WebDAV Client.
Error Id: WWS-18136
Title: The Approval/Rejection operation is not allowed for this document.
Check that Workflow is enabled and the document is submitted for Approval/Rejection.
The document is not pending approval.
Error Id: WWS-18137
Title: You do not have permission to Approve or Reject this document
Make sure that you are logged on as a user who has permission to perform this operation.
You are not an approver or owner, nor do you have have manage content or administration privileges for this document.
Error Id: WWS-18138
Title: The page does not include an editable item region to upload the file.
Create an editable item region on the page or mark an existing one as editable.
No editable item region was available on the page.
Error Id: WWS-18139
Title: The Submit for Approval operation is not allowed for this document.
Check that Workflow is enabled and the document is in draft status.
The document is not in draft status.
Error Id: WWS-18140
Title: Synchronizing of the Item types for WebDAV Upload in the imported page has not been performed.
In the page properties of the imported page, set the WebDAV itemtype settings to the desired values.
The WebDAV item types selected for use in the imported page could not be updated to reflect the new settings in the portal.
Error Id: WWS-19679
Title: The item is already approved.
Refresh your browser window to update your notifications. The item you were trying to approve or reject will no longer be listed.
The item cannot be approved or rejected because it has already been approved.
Error Id: WWS-19680
Title: Item has been rejected!
Refresh your browser window to update your notifications. The item you were trying to approve or reject will no longer be listed.
The item cannot be approved or rejected because it has already been rejected.
Error Id: WWS-19699
Title: You do not have permission to view this item.
Ask the page group administrator or page manager to grant you the appropriate privilege.
Viewing the item required an appropriate privilege.
Error Id: WWS-19722
Title: There are pending approvals in this routing process; the step cannot be moved.
Wait until all the pending items are approved, then try again.
The change was rejected because the approval process definition had items pending approval.
Error Id: WWS-19746
Title: You have entered invalid values for the number of notification items, the subscription time, or the subscription cache time.
Enter a valid number value.
A non-numeric value was entered.
Error Id: WWS-20331
Title: You must first specify an HTML Content Layout.
Select an HTML Content Layout from the list or create one first if there is none available in the list.
No valid HTML Content Layout was selected.
Error Id: WWS-20369
Title: Webcache could not access <a href="%1">this URL</a>
Verify that the URL is valid and accessible from your browser. If the Web page displays properly, then verify the proxy settings in the Web cache. Note that URLs that require HTTP authentication headers are not supported.
An exception was raised by the <esi:include> tag while fetching the contents of this item. Typically, this is because the item‘s URL is not accessible from the Web cache.
也许你已明白,但对一个人有用也是我存在的理由!^_^ By:持之以恒的大白
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