#cd /export/home/bea/weblogic81/common/bin
* 执行./config.sh命令
* 字符界面如下:
Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.
<-----------BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------->;
Create or Extend a Configuration:
Choose between creating and extending a configuration. Based on your
selection, the Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to
generate a new or extend an existing configuration.
->;1|Create a new WebLogic configuration
| Start here to create a WebLogic configuration in your projects
2|Extend an existing WebLogic configuration
| Start here to extend an existing WebLogic configuration. Use this |option to add
applications and services, including Database access
|(JDBC) and Messaging (JMS). This option also enables you to extend
|functionality by enabling WebLogic Workshop.
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]>; 1
<----------BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
* 选择要创建的域:
Select a Domain Template:
Please select a template from the list or select another directory of
* [/export/home/bea/weblogic81/common/templates/domains]
1|WebLogic Server Examples Domain
| BEA Systems, Inc.
| Create the WebLogic Server Examples domain in a directory outside of |the installed
kit. The Examples domain contains a collection of
|examples to show best practices for coding individual J2EE APIs.
->;2|Basic WebLogic Server Domain
| BEA Systems, Inc.
| Create a basic WebLogic Server domain without installing sample
3|Basic WebLogic Workshop Domain
| BEA Systems, Inc.
| Create a basic WebLogic Workshop domain, without installing sample
|applications. Domains created from this template will support the
|WebLogic Server and WebLogic Workshop runtime functionality, including |support for J2EE
applications, Web applications, Web Services and
|custom controls. Use domains created from this template for
|development of WebLogic Workshop applications.
4|Avitek Medical Records Sample Domain
Enter index number to select OR [Down][Exit][Previous][Next]>; 2
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
Choose Configuration Option:
*Do you want to run the wizard in express mode?
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>; 1
* 创建weblogic管理用户和密码:
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
Configure Administrative Username and Password:
Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user
is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
Name Value
_ _________________________ _________________________________
1 *User name: weblogic
2 *User password:
3 *Confirm user password:
4 Description: The default administration user
Select Option:
1 - Modify "User name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>; 2
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
Configure Administrative Username and Password:
Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user
is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
"*User password:" = []
Input new *User password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]>;
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
Configure Administrative Username and Password:
Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user
is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
Name Value
_ _________________________ _________________________________
1 *User name: weblogic
2 *User password: **********
3 *Confirm user password:
4 Description: The default administration user
Select Option:
1 - Modify "User name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
5 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>; 3
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
Configure Administrative Username and Password:
Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user
is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
"*Confirm user password:" = []
Input new *Confirm user password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]>;
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
Configure Administrative Username and Password:
Create a user automatically assigned to the Administrative Role. This user
is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.
Name Value
_ _________________________ _________________________________
1 *User name: weblogic
2 *User password: **********
3 *Confirm user password: **********
4 Description: The default administration user
Select Option:
1 - Modify "User name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
5 - Discard Changes
Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>;
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
* 选择要创建域Domain的模式:选择Production Mode模式
Domain Mode Configuration:
Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.
->;1|Development Mode
2|Production Mode
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>; 2
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
* Java环境选择:Java SDK Selection
Java SDK Selection:
->;1|JRockit SDK 1.4.2_04-8130 @ /export/home/bea/jrockit81sp3_142_04
2|Sun SDK 1.4.2_04 @ /export/home/bea/jdk142_04
3|Other Java SDK
Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>; 2
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
* 选择domain的创建目录:
Select the target domain directory for this configuration:
"Target Location" = [/export/home/bea/user_projects/domains]
Input new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>; /export/home/bea
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
Edit Domain Information:
Name Value
_ ________ __________
1 *Name: mydomain
Enter value for "Name" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>;
* 开始创建domain:
<------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ------------------->;
Creating Domain...
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
[------------ ------------ ------------ ------------]
**** Domain Created Successfully! ****
* 备注:要是安装失败,会有提示的。
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