exp加 QUERY参数后面跟的是where条件,值得注意的是,整个where子句需要使用""括起来,where子句的写法和SELECT中相同,如果是UNIX平台所有"和'都需要使用\u26469屏蔽它们的特殊含义:
exp gototop/gototop file=1.dmp log=1.log tables=cyx.t query="where c1=20 and c2=gototop"
还有要注意的加了query后就不能加DIRECT = Y要不会报以下错误
EXP-00071 QUERY parameter not compatible with Direct Path export
Cause: You specified a value for the QUERY parameter for a direct path export. The QUERY parameter cannot be used with a direct path export. Cause: You specified a value for the QUERY parameter for a direct path export. The QUERY parameter cannot be used with a direct path export.
Action: Re-issue the export command with DIRECT=N or omit the DIRECT parameter from the command line. Action: Re-issue the export command with DIRECT = N or omit the DIRECT parameter from the command line.