Class ZipEntry
All Implemented Interfaces:Cloneable, Direct Known Subclasses:JarEntrypublic class ZipEntryextends Objectimplements, Cloneable
This class is used to represent a ZIP file entry. 该类用来表示ZIP文件项。
Field Summary |
static int | CENATT |
static int | CENATX |
static int | CENCOM |
static int | CENCRC |
static int | CENDSK |
static int | CENEXT |
static int | CENFLG |
static int | CENHDR |
static int | CENHOW |
static int | CENLEN |
static int | CENNAM |
static int | CENOFF |
static long | CENSIG |
static int | CENSIZ |
static int | CENTIM |
static int | CENVEM |
static int | CENVER |
static int | DEFLATED Compression method for compressed (deflated) entries. 压缩项(deflated)的压缩方法。 |
static int | ENDCOM |
static int | ENDHDR |
static int | ENDOFF |
static long | ENDSIG |
static int | ENDSIZ |
static int | ENDSUB |
static int | ENDTOT |
static int | EXTCRC |
static int | EXTHDR |
static int | EXTLEN |
static long | EXTSIG |
static int | EXTSIZ |
static int | LOCCRC |
static int | LOCEXT |
static int | LOCFLG |
static int | LOCHDR |
static int | LOCHOW |
static int | LOCLEN |
static int | LOCNAM |
static long | LOCSIG |
static int | LOCSIZ |
static int | LOCTIM |
static int | LOCVER |
static int | STORED Compression method for uncompressed entries. 解压项的压缩方法。 |
Constructor Summary |
ZipEntry(String name) Creates a new zip entry with the specified name. 创建一个指定名称的zip项。 |
ZipEntry(ZipEntry e) Creates a new zip entry with fields taken from the specified zip entry. 创建一个从指定zip项中取得域的zip项。 |
Method Summary |
Object | clone() Returns a copy of this entry. 返回项的拷贝。 |
String | getComment() Returns the comment string for the entry, or null if none. 返回项的注释字符串,如果没有,返回null。 |
long | getCompressedSize() Returns the size of the compressed entry data, or -1 if not known. 返回已压缩的项数据大小,如果未知,返回-1。 |
long | getCrc() Returns the CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed entry data, or -1 if not known. 返回未压缩的项数据CRC-32校验和,如果未知,返回-1。 |
byte[] | getExtra() Returns the extra field data for the entry, or null if none. 返回项的额外字段数据,如果没有返回null。 |
int | getMethod() Returns the compression method of the entry, or -1 if not specified. 返回项的压缩方法,如果未指定,返回-1。 |
String | getName() Returns the name of the entry. 返回项的名称。 |
long | getSize() Returns the uncompressed size of the entry data, or -1 if not known. 返回未压缩的项数据大小,如果未知,返回-1。 |
long | getTime() Returns the modification time of the entry, or -1 if not specified. 返回项的修改时间,如果未指定,返回-1。 |
int | hashCode() Returns the hash code value for this entry. 返回项的哈希码值。 |
boolean | isDirectory() Returns true if this is a directory entry. 如果此为目录项,返回true。 |
void | setComment(String comment) Sets the optional comment string for the entry. 设置项的可选注释字符串。 |
void | setCompressedSize(long csize) Sets the size of the compressed entry data. 设置压缩的项数据大小。 |
void | setCrc(long crc) Sets the CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed entry data. 设置未压缩的项数据的CRC-32校验和。 |
void | setExtra(byte[] extra) Sets the optional extra field data for the entry. 设置项的可选额外字段数据。 |
void | setMethod(int method) Sets the compression method for the entry. 设置项的压缩方法。 |
void | setSize(long size) Sets the uncompressed size of the entry data. 设置未压缩的项数据大小。 |
void | setTime(long time) Sets the modification time of the entry. 设置项的修改时间。 |
String | toString() Returns a string representation of the ZIP entry. 返回ZIP项的字符串形式。 |