when I try to start Tux, these are the errors:
Booting all admin and server processes in /opt/impact/sys/demo/cfg/tuxconfig
INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 8.0, 32-bit, Patch Level 254
INFO: Serial #: 650522264137-888722211569, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 5
INFO: Licensed to: Texas Dept of PRS
Booting admin processes ...
exec BBL -A :
tmboot: WARN: No BBL available on site demo.
Will not attempt to boot server processes on that site.
Booting server processes ...
0 processes started.
Starting Architecture Components.
the ulog entries are:
073639.canis!BBL.17483.1.0: 07-29-2005: Tuxedo Version 8.0, 32-bit, Patch Level
073639.canis!BBL.17483.1.0: LIBTUX_CAT:296: ERROR: _tlog_open: _gp_tblopen: VTOC
not initialized
073639.canis!BBL.17483.1.0: LIBTUX_CAT:319: ERROR: Log start cannot open tlog
073639.canis!BBL.17483.1.0: LIBTUX_CAT:248: ERROR: System init function failed,
Uunixerr =
073639.canis!BBL.17483.1.0: CMDTUX_CAT:26: INFO: The BBL is exiting system
073639.canis!tmboot.17479.1.-2: 07-29-2005: Tuxedo Version 8.0, 32-bit
073639.canis!tmboot.17479.1.-2: CMDTUX_CAT:825: ERROR: Process BBL at demo faile
d with /T tperrno (TPESYSTEM - internal system error)
073639.canis!tmboot.17479.1.-2: WARN: No BBL available on site demo.
Will not attempt to boot server processes on that site.
You need to create the Tuxedo TLOG device to resolve this problem.
Execute "tmunloadcf" and look for the value of TLOGDEVICE on the machine
the error is occurring.
Assuming that this value is
you would execute the following:
tmadmin -c <<!
default -z /home/tuxapp/TLOG
crdl -b 500