我们读书时,是别人在庖代我们思惟,我们只不过反复他的思惟活动的过程罢了,如同儿童发蒙习字时,用笔遵守教师以铅笔所写的笔画依样画葫芦一般。我们的思惟活动在读书时被免除了一大项目组。是以,我们暂不自行思考而拿书来读时,会感觉很轻松,然而在读书时,我们的思维实际上成为别人思惟的活动场了。所以,读书愈多,或成天沉醉读书的人,固然可借以休养精力,但他的思维才能必将渐次丧失,此如同时常骑马的人步行才能必然较差,事理雷同。Tables can be reorganized and redefined (evolved) on-line with the DBMS_REDEFINITION package. The process is similar to on-line rebuilds of indexes, in that the original table is left on-line, while a new copy of the table is built. However, an index index-rebuild is a singular operation, while table redefinition is a multi-step process.
一个没有弘远幻想的人,就象一部没有马达的机床。Table redefinition is started by the DBA creating an interim table based on the original table. The interim table can have a different structure than the original table, and will eventually take the original table""s place in the database. While the table is redefined, DML operations on the original table are captured in a Materialized View Log table (MLOG¥_%). These changes are eventually transformed and merged into the interim table. When done, the names of the original and the interim tables are swapped in the data dictionary. At this point all users will be working on the new table and the old table can be dropped.
Possible applications:
On-line Table Redefinition can be used for:
Add, remove, or rename columns a table
Converting a non-partitioned table to a partitioned table and vice versa
Switching a heap table to an index organized and vice versa
Modifying storage parameters
Adding or removing parallel support
Reorganize (defragmenting) a table
Transform data in a table
One cannot redefine Materialized Views (MViews) and tables with MViews or MView Logs defined on them.
One cannot redefine Temporary and Clustered Tables
One cannot redefine tables with BFILE, LONG or LONG RAW columns
One cannot redefine tables belonging to SYS or SYSTEM
One cannot redefine Object tables
Table redefinition cannot be done in NOLOGGING mode (watch out for heavy archiving)
Cannot be used to add or remove rows a table
Using On-line Redefinition Enterprise Manager:
Oracle Enterprise Manager""s REORG Wizard (part of the Tuning pack) allows DBAs to reorganize tables off-line or on-line. If on-line reorganization is chosen, Oracle will make use of the DBMS_REDEFINITION package. Off-line reorganization is quicker than on-line reorganization, but if the system cannot go down, the on-line method will prove valuable.
ute the following steps to start the REORG Wizard: Start OEM. Click on TOOLS -> TUNING PACK -> REORG WIZARD.
Using On-line Redefinition SQL*Plus:
A table can be redefined in 7 easy steps SQL*Plus.
Step 1: Grant privileges:
Grant EXECUTE ON DBMS_REDEFINITION and the following privileges to the user that will do the redefinition: CREATE ANY TABLE, ALTER ANY TABLE, DROP ANY TABLE, LOCK ANY TABLE, SELECT ANY TABLE. Look at this example:
SQL> grant execute on dbms_redefinition to scott;
SQL> grant dba to scott;
Note: These are powerful privileges, so remember to revoke them afterwards.
Step 2: Test if the table can be redefined:
ute the DBMS_REDEFINITION.CAN_REDEF_TABLE procedure to test if a table can be redefined or not. A table qualifies for redefinition if no exceptions are raised. Possible errors:
ORA-12089 cannot online redefine table with no primary key
ORA-12091: cannot online redefine table "SCOTT"."EMP" with materialized views
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Note: The redefinition process can be based on a Primary Key or ROWID. Two constants are defined for this purpose: DBMS_REDEFINITION.CONS_USE_PK (the default) and DBMS_REDEFINITION.CONS_USE_ROWID. One can also use the value "1" for the primary key method, and "2" to indicate the rowid method. This is required so Oracle will know how to create the mview log: WITH ROWID, or WITH PRIMARY KEY.
Step 3: Create an interim table with new structure
Create an interim table with the new table structure. Define a primary key if you want to use the primary key method (DBMS_REDEFINITION.CONS_USE_PK). This is not required for the rowid method.
Oracle will TRUNCATE the interim table in step 4; so, do not add any data to it yet. Avoid adding constraints and indexes at this stage (for best performance).
Step 4: Start the redefinition
During this phase Oracle will copy (and transform) the data the production table to the interim table. Oracle will also create a materialized view (snapshot) log on the table to track DML changes.
SQL> exec dbms_redefinition.start_redef_table(""scott"", ""emp"", ""emp_work"", -
> ""emp_id emp_id, ename ename, salary salary"", -
Note parameter 4: mapping for the old table""s columns to the new table""s columns. This can be left out if the columns are the same.
Step 5: Sync intermediate changes to interim table (optional)
This step will apply changes captured in the materialized view log to the interim table. Perform this step frequently for high transaction tables.
SQL> exec dbms_redefinition.sync_interim_table(""scott"", ""emp"", ""emp_work"");
Step 6: Create indexes, constraints and triggers on the interim table
Note that you cannot use the same names for indexes and constraints. Foreign key constraints must be created DISABLED (Oracle will enable them in step 6).
Step 7: Complete the redefinition process
During this step Oracle will lock both tables in exclusive mode, swap the names of the two tables in the data dictionary, and enable all foreign key constraints. Remember to drop the original table afterwards. One can also consider renaming the constraints back to their original names (e.g.: alter table EMP rename constraint SYS_C001806 to emp_fk).
SQL> exec dbms_redefinition.finish_redef_table(""scott"", ""emp"", ""emp_work"");
Optional step to Abort Redefinition:
Redefinition can be aborted at any stage by calling the DBMS_REDEFINITION.ABORT_REDEF_TABLE procedure. This will drop the mview log on the production table. Note that you need to abort before trying again, otherwise you will get an ORA-12091 error as described in step 2.
Example 1: On-line Table Reorg using the rowid method
EXEC DBMS_REDEFINITION.CAN_REDEF_TABLE(""scott"", ""emp"", 2); -- 2=rowid
EXEC DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE(""scott"", ""emp"", ""emp_work"", NULL, 2);
EXEC DBMS_REDEFINITION.FINISH_REDEF_TABLE(""scott"", ""emp"", ""emp_work"");
DROP TABLE emp_work;
Example 2: Redefine a table using the primary key method 叔本华
-- Create a new table with primary key...
ename VARCHAR2(30),
salary NUMBER(8,2),
deptno NUMBER);
into myemp values (1, ""Frank"", 15000, 10);
into myemp values (2, ""Willie"", 10000, 20);
create index myemp_idx on myemp (ename);
-- Test if redefinition is possible...
-- Create new empty interim table...
CREATE TABLE myemp_work (
emp# NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, -- Change emp_id to emp#
ename VARCHAR2(30),
salary NUMBER(8,2), -- We will increase salary by 10%
deptno NUMBER)
PARTITION BY LIST (deptno) ( -- Add list partitioning
PARTITION p30 VALUES (30,40));
-- Create a transformation function...
return salary + salary*0.10;
-- Start the redefinition process
EXEC DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE(""scott"", ""myemp"", ""myemp_work"", -
""empid emp#, ename ename, raise_sal(salary) salary, deptno deptno"", -
-- Apply captured changed to interim table
EXEC DBMS_REDEFINITION.SYNC_INTERIM_TABLE(""scott"", ""myemp"", ""myemp_work"");
-- Add constraints, indexes, triggers, grants on interim table...
create index myempidx2 on myemp_work (ename);
-- Finish the redefinition process...
EXEC DBMS_REDEFINITION.FINISH_REDEF_TABLE(""scott"", ""myemp"", ""myemp_work"");
-- Cleanup
DROP TABLE myemp_work;
DROP FUNCTION raise_sal;