Apache模块 mod_ldap
为了使用本模块的功能,LDAP支持必须编译进APU。这是通过在编译Apache时,在configure脚本命令行上增加 --with-ldap 开关来实现的。
为了支持SSL/TLS ,需要APR连接以下一个LDAP SDK :OpenLDAP SDK(2.x或更新), Novell LDAP SDK, Mozilla LDAP SDK, 本地 Solaris LDAP SDK (基于Mozilla), 本地 Microsoft LDAP SDK, iPlanet (Netscape) SDK 。参见APR网站以获取更多信息。
# 开启LDAP连接池及共享内存缓冲。
# 开启LDAP缓冲状态处理器。需要载入mod_ldap和mod_authnz_ldap模块。
# 把"yourdomain.example.com"改为你真实的域名。
LDAPSharedCacheSize 200000
LDAPCacheEntries 1024
LDAPCacheTTL 600
LDAPOpCacheEntries 1024
LDAPOpCacheTTL 600
<Location /ldap-status>
SetHandler ldap-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from yourdomain.example.com
AuthLDAPEnabled on
AuthLDAPURL ldap://,dc=com?uid?one
AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
require valid-user
mod_ldap支持两种类型的LDAP缓冲。在search/bind阶段,使用一个search/bind缓冲,在compare阶段,使用两个operation缓冲。服务器引用的每个LDAP URL都有一组它自己的上述三个缓冲。
mod_ldap在缓冲区里储存了用户名、得到的DN 、用来绑定的口令、绑定的时间。当一个新的连接用同一个用户名来初始化的时候,mod_ldap将新的连接的口令与保存在缓冲区里的口令进行比较。如果口令匹配,并且那个缓冲项目尚未失效的话,mod_ldap就跳过search/bind阶段。
mod_ldap包含了一个完整的处理器,通过它可以使管理员监控缓冲区的性能。这个处理器的名字是ldap-status ,因此可以用下列指令来得到mod_ldap缓冲区的相关信息:
<Location /server/cache-info>
SetHandler ldap-status
通过URL http://servername/cache-info ,管理员可以得到mod_ldap使用的每个缓冲的状态报告。注意,如果Apache不支持共享内存,那么每个httpd实例都有它自己的缓冲区,因此,每次使用上述URL都可能会得到不同的结果,这取决于具体哪个httpd实例处理了这个请求。
通过LDAPTrustedGlobalCert, LDAPTrustedClientCert, LDAPTrustedMode指令可以定义与LDAP服务器建立SSL/TSL联接。这些指令指定了使用的CA和可选的客户端证书,以及连接使用的加密类型(none, SSL, TLS/STARTTLS)。
# 在636端口建立一个SSL LDAP联接。需要模块mod_ldap和mod_authnz_ldap的支持。
# 将"yourdomain.example.com"修改为您自己的域名。
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_DER /certs/certfile.der
<Location /ldap-status>
SetHandler ldap-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from yourdomain.example.com
AuthLDAPEnabled on
AuthLDAPURL ldaps://,dc=com?uid?one
AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
require valid-user
# 在389端口建立一个TLS LDAP联接。需要模块mod_ldap和mod_authnz_ldap的支持。
# 将"yourdomain.example.com"修改为您自己的域名。
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_DER /certs/certfile.der
<Location /ldap-status>
SetHandler ldap-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from yourdomain.example.com
AuthLDAPEnabled on
LDAPTrustedMode TLS AuthLDAPURL ldap://,dc=com?uid?one
AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
require valid-user
SSL/TLS Certificates
The different LDAP SDKs have widely different methods of setting and handling both CA and client side certificates.
If you intend to use SSL or TLS, read this section CAREFULLY so as to understand the differences between configurations on the different LDAP toolkits supported.
Netscape/Mozilla/iPlanet SDK
CA certificates are specified within a file called cert7.db. The SDK will not talk to any LDAP server whose certificate was not signed by a CA specified in this file. If client certificates are required, an optional key3.db file may be specified with an optional password. The secmod file can be specified if required. These files are in the same format as used by the Netscape Communicator or Mozilla web browsers. The easiest way to obtain these files is to grab them from your browser installation.
Client certificates are specified per connection using the LDAPTrustedClientCert directive by referring to the certificate "nickname". An optional password may be specified to unlock the certificate's private key.
The SDK supports SSL only. An attempt to use STARTTLS will cause an error when an attempt is made to contact the LDAP server at runtime.
# Specify a Netscape CA certificate file
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_CERT7_DB /certs/cert7.db
# Specify an optional key3.db file for client certificate support
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CERT_KEY3_DB /certs/key3.db
# Specify the secmod file if required
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_SECMOD /certs/secmod
<Location /ldap-status>
SetHandler ldap-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from yourdomain.example.com
AuthLDAPEnabled on
LDAPTrustedClientCert CERT_NICKNAME <nickname> [password]
AuthLDAPURL ldaps://,dc=com?uid?one
AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
require valid-user
Novell SDK
One or more CA certificates must be specified for the Novell SDK to work correctly. These certificates can be specified as binary DER or Base64 (PEM) encoded files.
Note: Client certificates are specified globally rather than per connection, and so must be specified with the LDAPTrustedGlobalCert directive as below. Trying to set client certificates via the LDAPTrustedClientCert directive will cause an error to be logged when an attempt is made to connect to the LDAP server..
The SDK supports both SSL and STARTTLS, set using the LDAPTrustedMode parameter. If an ldaps:// URL is specified, SSL mode is forced, override this directive.
# Specify two CA certificate files
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_DER /certs/cacert1.der
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_BASE64 /certs/cacert2.pem
# Specify a client certificate file and key
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CERT_BASE64 /certs/cert1.pem
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert KEY_BASE64 /certs/key1.pem [password]
# Do not use this directive, as it will throw an error
#LDAPTrustedClientCert CERT_BASE64 /certs/cert1.pem
One or more CA certificates must be specified for the OpenLDAP SDK to work correctly. These certificates can be specified as binary DER or Base64 (PEM) encoded files.
Client certificates are specified per connection using the LDAPTrustedClientCert directive.
The documentation for the SDK claims to support both SSL and STARTTLS, however STARTTLS does not seem to work on all versions of the SDK. The SSL/TLS mode can be set using the LDAPTrustedMode parameter. If an ldaps:// URL is specified, SSL mode is forced. The OpenLDAP documentation notes that SSL (ldaps://) support has been deprecated to be replaced with TLS, although the SSL functionality still works.
# Specify two CA certificate files
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_DER /certs/cacert1.der
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert CA_BASE64 /certs/cacert2.pem
<Location /ldap-status>
SetHandler ldap-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from yourdomain.example.com
AuthLDAPEnabled on
LDAPTrustedClientCert CERT_BASE64 /certs/cert1.pem
LDAPTrustedClientCert KEY_BASE64 /certs/key1.pem
AuthLDAPURL ldaps://,dc=com?uid?one
AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
require valid-user
Solaris SDK
SSL/TLS for the native Solaris LDAP libraries is not yet supported. If required, install and use the OpenLDAP libraries instead.
Microsoft SDK
SSL/TLS certificate configuration for the native Microsoft LDAP libraries is done inside the system registry, and no configuration directives are required.
Both SSL and TLS are supported by using the ldaps:// URL format, or by using the LDAPTrustedMode directive accordingly.
Note: The status of support for client certificates is not yet known for this toolkit.
LDAPCacheEntries 指令
指定主LDAP缓冲的最大条目数。这个缓冲区包含了成功的search/bind对。把它设为0可以关闭search/bind缓冲。默认值是1024 。
Specifies the timeout value (in seconds) in which the module will attempt to connect to the LDAP server. If a connection is not successful with the timeout period, either an error will be returned or the module will attempt to connect to a secondary LDAP server if one is specified. The default is 10 seconds.
LDAPOpCacheEntries 指令
指定mod_ldap使用的LDAP compare缓冲区大小。默认值是1024条。把它设为0可以关闭操作缓冲。
Sets the file containing or nickname referring to a per connection client certificate. Not all LDAP toolkits support per connection client certificates.
LDAPTrustedClientCert type directory-path/filename/nickname [password]
server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
It specifies the directory path, file name or nickname of a per connection client certificate used when establishing an SSL or TLS connection to an LDAP server. Different locations or directories may have their own independant client certificate settings. Some LDAP toolkits (notably Novell) do not support per connection client certificates, and will throw an error on LDAP server connection if you try to use this directive (Use the LDAPTrustedGlobalCert directive instead for Novell client certificates - See the SSL/TLS certificate guide above for details). The type specifies the kind of certificate parameter being set, depending on the LDAP toolkit being used. Supported types are:
CERT_DER - binary DER encoded client certificate
CERT_BASE64 - PEM encoded client certificate
CERT_NICKNAME - Client certificate "nickname" (Netscape SDK)
KEY_DER - binary DER encoded private key
KEY_BASE64 - PEM encoded private key
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert 指令
Sets the file or database containing global trusted Certificate Authority or global client certificates
LDAPTrustedGlobalCert type directory-path/filename [password]
server config
It specifies the directory path and file name of the trusted CA certificates and/or system wide client certificates mod_ldap should use when establishing an SSL or TLS connection to an LDAP server. Note that all certificate information specified using this directive is applied globally to the entire server installation. Some LDAP toolkits (notably Novell) require all client certificates to be set globally using this directive. Most other toolkits require clients certificates to be set per Directory or per Location using LDAPTrustedClientCert. If you get this wrong, an error may be logged when an attempt is made to contact the LDAP server, or the connection may silently fail (See the SSL/TLS certificate guide above for details). The type specifies the kind of certificate parameter being set, depending on the LDAP toolkit being used. Supported types are:
CA_DER - binary DER encoded CA certificate
CA_BASE64 - PEM encoded CA certificate
CA_CERT7_DB - Netscape cert7.db CA certificate database file
CA_SECMOD - Netscape secmod database file
CERT_DER - binary DER encoded client certificate
CERT_BASE64 - PEM encoded client certificate
CERT_KEY3_DB - Netscape key3.db client certificate database file
CERT_NICKNAME - Client certificate "nickname" (Netscape SDK)
CERT_PFX - PKCS#12 encoded client certificate (Novell SDK)
KEY_DER - binary DER encoded private key
KEY_BASE64 - PEM encoded private key
KEY_PFX - PKCS#12 encoded private key (Novell SDK)
LDAPTrustedMode 指令
Specifies the SSL/TLS mode to be used when connecting to an LDAP server.
LDAPTrustedMode type
server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
NONE - no encryption
SSL - ldaps:// encryption on default port 636
TLS - STARTTLS encryption on default port 389
Not all LDAP toolkits support all the above modes. An error message will be logged at runtime if a mode is not supported, and the connection to the LDAP server will fail.
If an ldaps:// URL is specified, the mode becomes SSL and the setting of LDAPTrustedMode is ignored.

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