* Set up GOT: Global Offset Table
* Use r14 to access the GOT
#if defined(CONFIG_FADS)
what is GOT?where is START_GOT?
以下是在网上找的一些解释,建议先阅读相关背景知识:Understanding PIC GOT
GOT宏定义在include/ppc_asm.tmpl,应用在start.S中。由于在数据段,可随时修改,因此能实现PIC(Position Independant Code)。
例如在x86架构下, Linux系统下, 如果我们运行的程序调用了某个标准库, 当调用具体的函数时, 程序先跳转到PLT, 然后从PIT跳转到GOT, 这样才会找到具体的库函数的位置.
GOT的意思就是全局表,从START_GOT到END_GOT这段代码定义了一个got2段,在这个段里面就定义了一张供调用的全局表。此表中的每条表项有两个字段,第一个为此当前表项距got2表起始地址的偏移,第二个为这条表项目的值,此值其实就是"NAME" symbol对应的编译时的值。GOT_ENTRY宏的目的是为了初始化r14寄存器,在此宏中通过计算得到了got2表实际的虚拟地址并存放在r14中。
GOT宏就是通过got2表项中的偏移和r14(got2实际使用的虚拟地址)得到表项的值, 就是"NAME"的值。所以通过这些宏确实实现了与地址无关的代码,无论实际物理地址和虚拟地址是什么都能得到表项的值。初始完成后要取某个"NAME"表项的值就只要通过GOT宏就可以取得。
GOT本来是使用于位置无关代码, 但是在ppcboot中, 我们编译了整个代码(不存在调用动态库的问题), 实际上跳转指令(例如bl)只是当前地址 + 偏移地址. 这样GOT没有启作用。
我注意到调用只有在start.S中in_flash中调用了GET_GOT, 而GET_GOT实际上是讲.LCTOC1的值存到r14寄存器(我个人觉得调用GET_GOT是当进行了代码搬移后应该使用的指令.), 而GOT(NAME)实际上是在GOT表中得到NAME的实际地址. 还是上面的问题, 就是ppcboot中不存在操作系统中运行程序调用动态库的问题, 那GOT到底是什么意义呢?
GOT表是从uboot目标文件中遗留过来的,并非必须要用它。uboot目标文件一般是elf格式的obj链接而成的。在链接的时候,使用uboot板级相关目录下的lds文件来控制obj文件如何映射到uboot目标文件。32 位 PPC 上解析 ELF 符号,应该没有用到 GOT。而 64 位上则使用 TOC,由 r2 寄存器指定 TOC 基地址。
Understanding PIC GOT
This article describers the PIC (Position Independant Code) and GOT (Global Offset Table) used in CellOS.
Sometimes, we have to write PIC (Position Independant Code). In the PIC code, we sometimes need to refer to some absolute symbols. But PIC code can not itself contain absolute virtual addresses. So GOT is used to solve this issue.
CellOS uses the same mechanism to solve the PIC code refering to absolute addresses issues. The following article is to undertand the GOT details with a "reverse engineering" way.
The theory for PIC and GOT
The following theory section is copied from the :
When the system creates a process image, the executable file portion of the process has fixed addresses and the system chooses shared object library virtual addresses to avoid conflicts with other segments in the process. To maximize text sharing, shared objects conventionally use position-independent code, in which instructions contain no absolute addresses. Shared object text segments can be loaded at various virtual addresses without having to change the segment images. Thus multiple processes can share a single shared object text segment, even if the segment reside at a different virtual address in each process.
Position-independent code relies on two techniques:
Control transfer instructions hold addresses relative to the Effective Address (EA) or use registers that hold the transfer address. An EA-relative branch computes its destination address in terms of the current EA, not relative to any absolute address.
When the program requires an absolute address, it computes the desired value. Instead of embedding absolute addresses in instructions (in the text segment), the compiler generates code to calculate an absolute address (in a register or in the stack or data segment) during execution.
Because the PowerPC Architecture provides EA-relative branch instructions and also branch instructions using registers that hold the transfer address, compilers can satisfy the first condition easily.
A "Global Offset Table," or GOT, provides information for address calculation. Position independent object files (executable and shared object files) have a table in their data segment that holds addresses. When the system creates the memory image for an object file, the table entries are relocated to reflect the absolute virtual address as assigned for an individual process. Because data segments are private for each process, the table entries can change—unlike text segments, which multiple processes share.
Position-independent code cannot, in general, contain absolute virtual addresses. Global offset tables hold absolute addresses in private data, thus making the addresses available without compromising the position-independence and sharability of a program’s text. A program references its global offset table using position-independent addressing and extracts absolute values, thus redirecting position-independent references to absolute locations.
When the dynamic linker creates memory segments for a loadable object file, it processes the relocation entries, some of which will be of type R_PPC_GLOB_DAT, referring to the global offset table. The dynamic linker determines the associated symbol values, calculates their absolute addresses, and sets the global offset table entries to the proper values. Although the absolute addresses are unknown when the link editor builds an object file, the dynamic linker knows the addresses of all memory segments and can thus calculate the absolute addresses of the symbols contained therein.
A global offset table entry provides direct access to the absolute address of a symbol without compromising position-independence and sharability. Because the executable file and shared objects have separate global offset tables, a symbol may appear in several tables. The dynamic linker processes all the global offset table relocations before giving control to any code in the process image, thus ensuring the absolute addresses are available during execution.
The dynamic linker may choose different memory segment addresses for the same shared object in different programs; it may even choose different library addresses for different executions of the same program. Nonetheless, memory segments do not change addresses once the process image is established. As long as a process exists, its memory segments reside at fixed virtual addresses.
A global offset table’s format and interpretation are processor specific. For PowerPC, the symbol GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE may be used to access the table. The symbol may reside in the middle of the .got section, allowing both positive and negative "subscripts" into the array of addresses. Four words in the global offset table are reserved:
The word at GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE-1 shall contain a blrl instruction (see the
text relating to Figure 3-33, "Prologue and Epilogue Sample Code").
The word at GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE0 is set by the link editor to hold the address of
the dynamic structure, referenced with the symbol DYNAMIC.
This allows a program, such as the dynamic linker, to find its own dynamic structure without having yet processed its relocation entries. This is especially important for the dynamic linker, because it must initialize itself without relying on other programs to relocate its memory image.
The word at GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE1 is reserved for future use.
The word at GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE2 is reserved for future use.
The global offset table resides in the ELF .got section.
The implementation for GOT in CellOS¶
1. The various macros used to define GOT¶
The following code defines the GOT entries;
* These definitions simplify the ugly declarations necessary for GOT
* definitions.
* Stolen from prepboot/bootldr.h, (C) 1998 Gabriel Paubert, paubert@iram.es
* Uses r14 to access the GOT
#define START_GOT /
.section ".got2","aw"; /
.LCTOC1 = .+32768
#define END_GOT /
#define GET_GOT /
bl 1f ; /
.text 2 ; /
0: .long .LCTOC1-1f ; /#offset from center of GOT to CIA#
.text ; /
1: mflr r14 ; /#Get CIA#
lwz r0,0b-1b(r14) ; /#Get the offset#
add r14,r0,r14 ;
#define GOT_ENTRY(NAME) .L_ ## NAME = . - .LCTOC1 ; .long NAME
#define GOT(NAME) .L_ ## NAME (r14)
* Set up GOT: Global Offset Table
* Use r14 to access the GOT
2. How GOT is actually setup in runtime code?¶
In the cellEntry code, before it transfers to the normal C code, it calls GET_GOT.
GET_GOT /* initialize GOT access */
bl cellMain
The disasm of the above code section is :
0x000021b8 : bl 0x21bc #bl 1f
####Here is a compiler trick, it is described below!!###
0x000021bc : mflr r14 #Get CIA,r14=0x000021bc
0x000021c0 : lwz r0,936(r14) #load the offset into r0
0x000021c4 : add r14,r0,r14 #add r0=0xf468
0x000021c8 : bl 0x4cb0
Even it is not strictly related, we describe the compiler trick that is shown above:
We have seen that the GET_GOT is written like this:
#define GET_GOT /
bl 1f ; /
.text 2 ; /
0: .long .LCTOC1-1f ; /#offset from center of GOT to CIA#
.text ; /
1: mflr r14 ; /#Get CIA#
lwz r0,0b-1b(r14) ; /#Get the offset#
add r14,r0,r14
If there is no ".text 2" in the above macro, then we can imagine there is an immediate value defined just between the "bl 1f" and "1: mflr r14" instrcution; However, the ".text 2" seems to trigger the compiler to move the immediate value to somewhere else, not between the two instructions. Should there is no ".text 2", the immediate value were to be put in between the two intructions, thus the (0f - 1f) were to be -4;
However, with the ".text 2", the (0f - 1f) becomes 936 (in this compilation, and can vary with different compilations if you have other code added or changed), because the immediate value has been "moved" to a position higer than the CIA.
The (0f - 1f), in this case, the value 936, is an intermediate offset, at that offset (to the CIA), stores the real offset value from the centor of the GOT to CIA; In our case, the CIA for the "1: mflr r14" is 0x000021bc; 0x000021bc + 936 = 0x2564; check the disasm and debug the code, you will find the following:
(gdb) x/xw 0x2564 #to display the memory at 0x2564
0x2564 : 0x0000f468
So, the "lwz r0,936(r14)" say "lwz r0,0b-1b(r14)" is to load the r0 with a value 0x0000f468; This 0x0000f468 is the real offset from CIA to the centor of GOT; Thus the "add r14,r0,r14" is actually to add the CIA with the offset to the centor of GOT, which in effect is to set r14 to "sit" in the centor of GOT;
Note that I said several times of "centor of GOT", becasue I interpret that the r14 can be added with a 16bit "signed" offset to access the contents around r14; I call r14 the GOT anchor. This is a little bit like the SDA (Small Data Area) concept.
So, now the r14 is set to sit in the centor of a GOT area, where it can easily used to locate the "values" around it (+/- 32KB); r14 is not changed across the execution from now on. Let's now remember the value of r14, which is 0x0000f468 + 0x000021bc = 0x11624; We need to use this 0x11624 to calculate the address of the entries in the GOT.
3. How GOT is used to access the absolute symbols ?¶
Let's find a case where the GOT is used in CellOS.
When the system is running and an interrupt happens, interrupt handling is run, where GOT is used:
* Exception vectors.
* The data words for `hdlr' and `int_return' are initialized with
* OFFSET values only; they must be relocated first before they can
* be used!
#define STD_EXCEPTION(n, label, hdlr) /
. = n; /
label: /
lwz r3,GOT(transfer_to_handler); /#GOT#
mtlr r3; /
li r20,MSR_KERNEL; /
rlwimi r20,r23,0,25,25; /
blrl; /
.L_ ## label : /
.long hdlr - _start + _START_OFFSET; /
.long int_return - _start + _START_OFFSET
The disasm code for the a bove code section looks like this:
00003568 :
3568: 7e 90 43 a6 mtsprg 0,r20
356c: 7e b1 43 a6 mtsprg 1,r21
3570: 7e 80 00 26 mfcr r20
3574: 3a a1 ff 00 addi r21,r1,-256
3578: 92 95 00 a8 stw r20,168(r21)
357c: 92 d5 00 68 stw r22,104(r21)
3580: 92 f5 00 6c stw r23,108(r21)
3584: 7e 90 42 a6 mfsprg r20,0
3588: 92 95 00 60 stw r20,96(r21)
358c: 7e d1 42 a6 mfsprg r22,1
3590: 92 d5 00 64 stw r22,100(r21)
3594: 7e 88 02 a6 mflr r20
3598: 92 95 00 a0 stw r20,160(r21)
359c: 7e c9 02 a6 mfctr r22
35a0: 92 d5 00 9c stw r22,156(r21)
35a4: 7e 81 02 a6 mfxer r20
35a8: 92 95 00 a4 stw r20,164(r21)
35ac: 7e 95 f2 a6 mfdear r20
35b0: 92 95 00 b4 stw r20,180(r21)
35b4: 7e da 02 a6 mfsrr0 r22
35b8: 7e fb 02 a6 mfsrr1 r23
35bc: 90 15 00 10 stw r0,16(r21)
35c0: 90 35 00 14 stw r1,20(r21)
35c4: 90 55 00 18 stw r2,24(r21)
35c8: 90 35 00 00 stw r1,0(r21)
35cc: 7e a1 ab 78 mr r1,r21
35d0: 90 75 00 1c stw r3,28(r21)
35d4: 90 95 00 20 stw r4,32(r21)
35d8: 90 b5 00 24 stw r5,36(r21)
35dc: 90 d5 00 28 stw r6,40(r21)
35e0: 80 6e 80 14 lwz r3,-32748(r14) #GOT, r14 = 0x11624
35e4: 7c 68 03 a6 mtlr r3
35e8: 38 61 00 10 addi r3,r1,16
35ec: 3a 80 10 00 li r20,4096
35f0: 52 f4 06 72 rlwimi r20,r23,0,25,25
35f4: 4e 80 00 21 blrl
35f8: 00 00 5a cc .long 0x5acc
35fc: 00 00 23 38 .long 0x2338
So, we saw there is a simple usage of r14, that is "lwz r3,-32748(r14)", or "lwz r3,GOT(transfer_to_handler)". Remember that r14 = 0x11624, this instrcution is to load from EA = 0x11624 - 32748 = 0x9638.
So what is the value in 0x9638?
(gdb) x/xw 0x9638
0x9638 <_GOT2_TABLE_+56>: 0x0000229c
OK, we see something called "GOT2_TABLE", seems familar? Yes, GOT! Looking back in this article, there is (yes, I copied it twice, becasue the space is for free :-))
* Set up GOT: Global Offset Table
* Use r14 to access the GOT
The GOT_ENTRY is to define an entry "around" the centor of GOT (the GOT anchor).
#define GOT_ENTRY(NAME) .L_ ## NAME = . - .LCTOC1 ; .long NAME
The actual GOT table looks like this:
00009600 <_GOT2_TABLE_>:
9600: 00 00 96 00 .long 0x9600
9604: 00 00 96 48 .long 0x9648
9608: 00 00 46 68 .long 0x4668
960c: 00 00 26 68 .long 0x2668
9610: 00 00 46 00 .long 0x4600
9614: 00 00 48 04 .long 0x4804
9618: 00 00 9c 00 .long 0x9c00
961c: 00 60 d0 00 .long 0x60d000
9620: 00 00 9c 00 .long 0x9c00
9624: 00 00 96 00 .long 0x9600
9628: 00 00 96 48 .long 0x9648
962c: 00 00 21 00 .long 0x2100
9630: 00 00 01 00 .long 0x100
9634: 00 00 20 98 .long 0x2098
9638: 00 00 22 9c .long 0x229c
963c: 00 00 9c 00 .long 0x9c00
9640: 00 60 d0 00 .long 0x60d000
9644: 00 00 9c 00 .long 0x9c00
Disassembly of section .data:
So, at "9638: 00 00 22 9c .long 0x229c", there stores a value 0x229c;
(gdb) x/xw 0x229c
0x229c : 0x92d50090
Right, that is what we want! The address of the function transfer_to_handler is stored in the GOT entry.
So now we have a very clear understanding to the GOT. It is actually a "jumping table", through which an indirect addressing to the absolute addresses are performed. This technic is is mostly used for operating systems to load exe images using shared objects. For CellOS, derived from u-boot, it simply severs as a way to locate some absolute symbols.
4. Note for the ones curious with the question : where GOT2_TABLE comes from?¶
In the linker script,there is a section:
.reloc :
_GOT2_TABLE_ = .;
__got2_entries = (_FIXUP_TABLE_ - _GOT2_TABLE_) >>2;
__fixup_entries = (. - _FIXUP_TABLE_)>>2;
You should be noted that in the first entry of "GOT2_TABLE", the entry specify the address of the GOT2_TABLE itself (0x9600).
00009600 <_GOT2_TABLE_>:
9600: 00 00 96 00 .long 0x9600