常见问题FAQ :
Q:问题是管理域无法与用户域通信。查看linux系统主机名,查看/etc/hosts文件,看是否有如下一行主机记录,如果没有,请将这一行记录加入到/etc/hosts文件中。 localhost.localdomain localhost 没有这一行记录,就会导致启动失败,一般在安装系统时,设置了主机名、有两块网卡,在设置主机名时,上面的记录就没有了。
A:weblogic无法启动,错误信息如下: The WebLogic Server did not start up properly. java.net.UnknownHostException: MyLinux: MyLinux at java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(InetAddress.java:1191) at weblogic.rjvm.JVMID.setLocalID(JVMID.java:124) at weblogic.rjvm.JVMID.localID(JVMID.java:104)
Q:主机包含多个IP地址,一般为配置时未更新监听地址,修改config.xml文件的listen address即可正常启动;
1. WSNAT_CAT:1287: WARN: Forced shutdown of client
2. WSNAT_CAT:1174: WARN: Disconnecting listener connection to workstation, connection timed out WSH.680270.1.0: WSNAT_CAT:1055: ERROR: Connection to unassigned WSH rejected WSH.1888502.1.0: WSNAT_CAT:1052: ERROR: Failed to process network event LIBTUX_CAT:6249: ERROR: Unable to establish security context. Error code 90, minor_status 4294967289
3. 092248.bs_salemid1!WSH.434514.1.0: LIBTUX_CAT:6031: ERROR: Unable to pre-process buffer before tranmission. Error code(7/3776) 092248.bs_salemid1!WSH.434514.1.0: WSNAT_CAT:1148: ERROR: Processing of message to be sent to client failed 092310.bs_salemid1!WSH.98754.1.0: LIBTUX_CAT:1287: ERROR: Failure to allocate memory for file message transfer, size 79070224
4. 225822.bs_salemid1!GWTDOMAIN.160312.1.0: GP_CAT:1048: ERROR: Don't know how to encode/decode data for request opcode 0x2e303a35 225822.bs_salemid1!GWTDOMAIN.160312.1.0: LIBTUX_CAT:6031: ERROR: Unable to pre-process buffer before tranmission. Error code(12/4086) 225822.bs_salemid1!GWTDOMAIN.160312.1.0: LIBGWT_CAT:1282: ERROR: Memory allocation failure for compression 225822.bs_salemid1!GWTDOMAIN.160312.1.0: LIBGWT_CAT:1041: ERROR: Unrecoverable error occurred on send of data - sending failure reply over network
tmshutdown -s GWTDOMAIN
tmboot -s GWTDOMAIN
5. WSL.926452.1.0: WSNAT_CAT:1175: WARN: Disconnecting listener connection to workstation, request timed out WSL.926452.1.0: WSNAT_CAT:1175: WARN: Disconnecting listener connection to workstation, request timed out WSH.517126.1.0: WSNAT_CAT:1023: WARN: No client context space available in handler
6 : weblogic.server.ServiceFailureException: Could not obtain an exclusive lock to the embedded LDAP data files directory: ./ainbs_proxy/ldap/ldapfiles because another WebLogic Server is already using this directory. Ensure that the first WebLogic Server is completely shutdown and restart the server. at weblogic.ldap.EmbeddedLDAP.ensureExclusiveAccess(EmbeddedLDAP.java:960) at weblogic.ldap.EmbeddedLDAP.initialize(EmbeddedLDAP.java:222) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initializeHere(T3Srvr.java:815) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(T3Srvr.java:669) at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:343) at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:32) > ***************************************************************************
The WebLogic Server did not start up properly. Exception raised: 'weblogic.server.ServiceFailureException: Could not obtain an exclusive lock to the embedded LDAP data files directory: ./ainbs_proxy/ldap/ldapfiles because another WebLogic Server is already using this directory. Ensure that the first WebLogic Server is completely shutdown and restart the server.' Reason: weblogic.server.ServiceFailureException: Could not obtain an exclusive lock to the embedded LDAP data files directory: ./ainbs_proxy/ldap/ldapfiles because another WebLogic Server is already using this directory. Ensure that the first WebLogic Server is completely shutdown and restart the server. ***************************************************************************
进入目录./ainbs_proxy/ldap/ldapfiles 删除索 rm *lok