近日,发现公司的应用经常停止响应,通过监控weblogic 8.16 上的内存使用情况,发现Axis组件的ConfigurationException占据很大的内存分配空间,如下图:

先下载了axis 1.4的源代码,根据上图监控AxisEngine后标注的行数,找到以下代码
[java]view plaincopyprint?
- // fixme: could someone who knows double-check I've got the semantics of
- // this right?
- /**
- * Get the <code>SOAPService</code> for a particular local name.
- *
- * @param name the local name of the request type
- * @return the <code>SOAPService</code> for this request type
- * @throws AxisFault
- */
- public SOAPService getService(String name) throws AxisFault
- {
- try {
- return config.getService(new QName(null, name));
- } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
- try {
- return config.getServiceByNamespaceURI(name);
- } catch (ConfigurationException e1) {
- thrownew AxisFault(e);
- }
- }
- }
// fixme: could someone who knows double-check I've got the semantics of
// this right?
* Get the <code>SOAPService</code> for a particular local name.
* @param name the local name of the request type
* @return the <code>SOAPService</code> for this request type
* @throws AxisFault
public SOAPService getService(String name) throws AxisFault
try {
return config.getService(new QName(null, name));
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
try {
return config.getServiceByNamespaceURI(name);
} catch (ConfigurationException e1) {
throw new AxisFault(e);