In product env,we always need to monitor gc trend or tunning gc based on gc trend,before sun jdk 1.6+,we can use GCViewer to visualize gc log to see gc trend,but it not support jdk 1.6+,so I write a free open source tool to visualize gc log produced by sun jdk 1.6+,now V 0.2 release,If you need,pls download from http://code.google.com/p/gclogviewer/.
ps: if you’re swt programmer and interested this project,pls attend to this project.
V 0.2 Features
- GC parameters: GC Type
- GC Trend
- minor GC Trend (Frequency,consume time,memory changes)
- full GC Trend (Frequency,consume time,memory changes)
- Application stopped time caused by GC trend and summary
- Different GC Type on different infos
- CMS GC Trend and concurrent mode failure trend
- show Tenuring Trend when use Serial GC type
On the trend graph you can save or zoom to see details.
V 0.2 ScreenShot

in next version(0.4) we’all bring the following features:
- Improve analyze and ui performance,now trend graph is a little slow;
- CMS GC summary info and trend;
- More GC Infos,such as NewGen? size(Eden/S0/S1),OldGen? Size;
- Export viewer info to pdf and excel;
- Time X change to real time,now just use log file seconds;
- Two GC log compare;
- GC Tunning advice;
- Support more jdk version: 1.5 and 1.7;
- Support jstat>file view.